Rudeness and The American Way

A Whimsical Look at 2024 Americana

Richard Bailey
New Writers Welcome
3 min readFeb 7, 2024


Photo by Daniel Álvasd on Unsplash

I was never a huge Superman fan, but as a kid, I always thought that the slogan, “Truth, Justice, and the American Way,” was pretty cool. No particular reason: it was catchy, and I was easily impressed.

I had a change of heart the other day on what would be a good descriptor for the American way in 2024. Strangely enough, others agreed with me on this burning topic. More on that later.

This all started when I was taking my wife to the hospital for a routine procedure. Like most procedures, there was a mandatory fast, and the procedure was not scheduled until after lunch. Then, there was the inevitable delay, which made the trip complete!

We eased into the parking deck, and so far, so good. It was then tragedy struck! We had unknowingly got behind the slowest car in the civilized world. Ironically, it was a Mercedes sports car that could reportedly go 130 miles per hour, but you could walk faster than this thing was moving. I could hear the exhales and groans coming from the passenger seat.

Take it easy,” I said, “You know there always are some older folks or someone from the country coming into UAB and not comfortable driving around here.” How I survived making that remark is still a mystery for many reasons, starting with correcting someone close to hour 24 of a fast. I’m a lucky man.

Photo by Julien L on Unsplash

By the way, did you pick up on the gaffe eight lines up?

Anyway, the sighs continued, as well as the honking horns behind me, and the “older couple” returned the favor with their horn while making random stops all the way up to the 5th level. What should have taken a minute took . . . well, forever, or so it seemed. The punchline? I walked past the car on the way to the hospital from the parking deck, having already deposited my wife at one of the entrances.

I looked, expecting to see a confused elderly couple trying to figure out where they were, only to see a gentleman in business attire, heavily engaged on the phone about some pressing matter. I just laughed and shook my head.

I firmly believe in walking a mile in someone else’s shoes and remembering not to judge too quickly. Sometimes, there are good reasons for doing peculiar things.

However, some people who can try the patience of a saint are put in your path and are practicing their craft daily. They lack the situational awareness to get out of the way to let traffic by, yield the right of way, by-pass the express lane at the grocery store when they have a cart full of groceries, look where they are going while texting on the phone and don’t get me started how they are at the airport. That is in its own category of crazy!

As I said earlier, it was decided that Superman needed a new slogan. I do not know how the new motto was received but I will be glad to sell my idea for cheap if anyone wants to give it a try!

“Rudeness and Myopia while Americans Try to Find Their Way”

It is not what you call inspirational but realistic at least on this day.

Drive safe out there! You never know what you will run up on or behind at the parking deck.



Richard Bailey
New Writers Welcome

Retired Emergency Manager. Incident NIMS/ICS/Response instructor. Interests include communications, fitness, honeybees, history and figuring out this new path.