Should you give up?

to give up or not to give up is the question

New Writers Welcome
3 min readJul 31, 2024


Photo by Diana Bercheva on Pinterest

When you try and try again only to fail, should you give up? When the thing you desire the most is snatched away from you and given to someone who didn’t put in half the effort, should you give up? When you keep on hoping for a miracle which, as time goes on, seems more like mirage; should you give up? When people tell you that there’s something better and you naively believe them only to bear the burnt of that soul crushing hopelessness, do you give up then?

The answer is, well there’s no definite answer to that. You are the person who knows what’s good for you and what’s not. So, I nor anyone else possess any right to claim that we know better. People will tell you all sorts of things about giving up. When you’re at the bottom of the ladder, they will tell you all about the dos and the don’ts. But should you listen to them? Of course not. Why would you even listen to someone who have never experienced the hardships you’ve experienced? The battles you have fought? The days where you can’t seem to get out of bed? The nights which you have spent crying?

The thing about giving up is that it is almost unanimously assumed to be synonymous with weakness. That you are giving up means you don’t possess the strength to go on. That you don’t have what it takes. Is it true though? Do the trees hold onto their leaves even at the apotheosis of winter? Do the birds stay back to withstand a ruthless winter instead of going to warmer places? Does the river prefer going back the way it came from just because it fears plunging into the ocean? The answer is no. Nature doesn’t cling to what no longer serves it. Nature knows that in letting go, there is renewal and endless possibilities.

Like nature, at times, we too find ourselves on the verge of losing everything and we wonder whether we should cling onto the past or give up, let go and look forward. More often than not, holding onto these moments are what weighs us down. Sometimes to give up means choosing to stop fighting losing battles. This is in no way an act of cowardice, but one of bravery. Sometimes striking with a sword is not the answer, but to put your sword back in its sheath is. That way, like the trees, you will open up your life to rejuvenation; like the birds, you will find opportunities in new places and; like the river, you will learn to grow out of your comfort zone.

So don't fear giving up when you feel that something is stifling your growth. There is no shame in surrender for it is is not about giving up; it's about making room for growth, for transformation, for the unexpected blooms of life's next season.



New Writers Welcome

drifting inbetween fleeting thoughts and profound reflections