8 Signs You Might Be In A Toxic Relationship

Stop setting yourself on fire to keep someone else warm.

For You
New Writers Welcome
5 min readFeb 9, 2022


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

When it comes to relationships, the word “toxic” is used in a very negative sense.

But what does that word actually mean?

Toxic is used to describe a relationship that has the potential for pain and suffering because of one person’s behavior.

It could be something like emotional or physical abuse.

It also can be sexual if one partner coerces the other into sex without consent or even things like financial manipulation.

Even though certain imperfections are things many people will face in their lifetime, the toxicity goes beyond these boundaries and can destroy your personal life more than you might think.

“Stop setting yourself on fire to keep someone else warm.” ― Unknown

So, have you ever been in a toxic relationship?


1. You Feel Controlled By Your Partner.

When you feel like he/she wants to control everything about you, it could be a sign that things are not what they appear to be.

Being in a relationship where someone tries to control every aspect of your life can quickly become unhealthy and overwhelming.

2. You Feel Like They’re Always Criticizing You.

If someone is constantly pointing out the things you do wrong, it’s not a healthy relationship.

Sometimes criticism is necessary for relationships, but that person should have your best interests in mind.

If you feel like they always criticize you and never tell you what they like about you, that is a sign of toxicity.

A bad relationship can do that, can make you doubt everything good you ever felt about yourself.” ― Dionne Warwick

3. You Don’t Bring Up Your Problems To Them Because They’ll Always Find Something Wrong With Your Solution Or Advice.

If you have a problem, you should be able to talk to your partner about it without having that problem fixed with criticism.

Your partner should listen and offer solutions and advice.

If you feel like that’s not happening, it can be dangerous for your mental health.

4. You Feel Very Self-Conscious About Going Out In Public With Them.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good for your significant other, but if you feel like you have little control over what you wear because of their opinion or it makes you feel uncomfortable, this is a toxic relationship.

You need to trust your own judgment so that the two of you can function properly as a healthy couple in public.

5. You Feel Like They Always Want To Talk About The Same Thing.

You should be able to have an open line of communication with your partner and support each other in times of need.

But if you think about it, you probably have different experiences. And even just talking about those experiences can bring you closer together, each learning from the other’s perspective.

In a toxic relationship, there is practically no room for this kind of communication because one person is always going to dominate the conversation and bring up all the same things every time you’re together.

6. You Feel As Though If You Don’t Answer Their Texts Or Calls In A Timely Manner, They Get Upset With You.

You should be able to feel comfortable with your partner without feeling like you have to respond to their texts and calls immediately.

If you don’t reply for a long period of time and they get upset, it’s definitely a toxic relationship.

7. You Feel Like They Don’t Want You To Be Friends With Anyone Else.

People need social interaction outside of their relationships. If you feel like your significant other doesn’t want you hanging out with anyone else, this is a sign that they do not care about your personal well-being.

A healthy relationship allows both partners to hang out with their friends separately, as well as together so that each person has someone to go through life with who supports them in being happy.

This won’t help in the long term.

“I mean, if the relationship can’t survive the long term, why on earth would it be worth my time and energy for the short term.” ― Nicholas Sparks

8. You Never Have Time For Yourself.

You’re always busy with your partner and you don’t have time to take care of yourself. You might feel guilty about this because you think you’re taking care of them, but in reality, if things aren’t going well in your relationship, the two of you probably need to work on that. However, if the two of you are both constantly pushing each other down or not giving each other enough space to spend some time on your own, this is definitely a sign that things are getting worse.


In any relationship, it’s important to make sure that both partners feel respected and happy together. When you feel like things are toxic, it will probably be best to get out of the relationship because it is severely hurting your life.

Don’t let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out. — Robert Tew

Photo by Ryan Moreno on Unsplash

When you’re in a toxic relationship, you probably feel as though your time is being wasted with someone who isn’t a positive influence or helpful to you. You shouldn’t stay in a bad relationship for anything other than love; if it’s going to only hurt your life, it’s probably time to consider leaving.



For You
New Writers Welcome

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