So 100 Followers Huh? Let’s Get Them, People.

Let’s be pillars, not followers.

Yusuf Khan
New Writers Welcome
3 min readDec 6, 2021


Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Okay! So after checking out a lot of other articles on the same topic, I have decided to do this. The plan is simple, to reach as many budding new writers of Medium as I can. But am I doing this just to get to 100 followers?

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Well, the answer is Yes and No. Don’t get me wrong, I want to get past the 100 follower hurdle as quickly as I can, just like all of you. But in doing so, I want to build something here. See, the point is we are going to follow each other so that we can all reach that milestone, but we can also create an amazing community if you think about it.

The answer lies in the question itself. Why do we want those coveted 100 followers?

Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash

We want it so we can write, not only write but also earn in the process. And how are we going to achieve that until we master the craft of writing? Let’s face it, we are not professionally trained writers, but we all love and want to write some amazing stuff no matter what the niche is.

So let’s support each other, be each other’s friends, guides, critiques, and fans. If we do that, we don’t just give each other just one follower. We give each other four pillars to create some amazing content. Not only this will make us better writers and content creators, but it will make this platform a better place for all the readers.

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

To conclude this all I want to say is, don’t just become followers to gain one or become a writer. But become a reader and learn and share for every contact you make. Let’s build a community for new writers that binds them together with the love for writing.

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Please make yourself heard in the response section, clap for this even if you find this imperfect. Because that’s what we all are. Until we make this a reality and until the next milestone in our journey, this is me signing off.

PS: You can buy me a Ko-Fi if you like.



Yusuf Khan
New Writers Welcome

A writer, gamer, storyteller… but most importantly a dreamer!!!