So What Instead of Why

Plain, but Not Simple

Zoe Carada
New Writers Welcome
May 26, 2023


Photo by Klim Musalimov on Unsplash

Finish this sentence: I think it’s important to ….

Add a sentence explaining the benefit.

I did this in a previous life as a trainer in my business communication classes.

They found it challenging. They lapsed in explanations using because. I guess the reflex, when we make an offer, is to dwell on it (elaborate) or on our motives (justify).

I had them drill the structure: I think it’s important to …., so that…

I find the question So what? a better guide than Why?.

I want to write, so that…

Follow my writing, and you will …

My personal brand’s special, which means that you might appreciate…

I’m practising the statement I’m keen to…, so that…, more often than I’m keen to… because…

The why? looks back. The so what? looks ahead.

