Start With the Essentials Needed for New Writers!

Wanna be a well known writer?

Isabel Young
New Writers Welcome
5 min readSep 17, 2021


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We are all here on a journey. Some of us are here to read and learn. Others are learning and teaching. We are all learning from each other.

Most of us want to be more and achieve more out of life. We have the ability to manifest what we desire as long as we have the right mindset.

To achieve success, you have to set goals that are important to you. The first step to setting goals is to understand your inner desires. Write them down and to think about them often.

What is it you want — when it comes to your writing?

Is it to write every day so you can achieve a new milestone in discipline, or share some of your personal stories with others?

Is it to make some extra cash, or a substantial side income?

Or is it just to communicate, connect and enjoy the process?

We probably have a few reasons why we want to write and publish articles. It doesn’t really matter what you are looking for — what matters it that you are here.

Congratulations — You have taken the first step!

What are you visualizing?

To get where you want to go, you must visualize. Your brain automatically does this, even if you are not aware of it.

Are you visualizing yourself as a successful writer?

How would you do this?

Can you picture yourself getting claps, comments, and tagged by other writers? How about the few cents you earned becoming more dollars?

We do this all the time, we can think about what we want to happen without having it actually happen. Our thoughts are not necessarily clear and direct which can make this process challenging.

Another way to bring your thoughts into focus is to create a mental picture. Try to imagine what it will be like when you have achieved what you have visualized. You can do this anytime, anyplace.

The key is to keep thinking about the future outcome. The more you do this, the more you will bring your thoughts into focus. It will become part of you and become a picture in your mind.

Practice, Practice and Do it Again and Again

This is why many of us use the power of visualization in our everyday life. We can think about what we want to happen, what it will look like and how it feels. Through visualization, we can move our thoughts from a dream into reality.

This is how we make ourselves aware of our inner desires. Once you understand how to bring your thoughts into focus, you can create a vision of your goals and make it part of you.

Are You Challenging Yourself?

You don’t want to settle for the easy road when it comes to goals. A challenge will keep you moving forward. It will force you to get up every morning to accomplish one more step to make your goals a reality.

If you set a goal that is easy, you will procrastinate and not make it a reality.

With challenging goals, it forces you to move forward and make the tough choices. That is why I believe that challenging goals will make you successful.

Are You Specific in What You Want?

What do you really want?

We want to make sure that our goals are realistic and detailed enough.

If what you want is too general, you will never get there. Think about this, if you programmed your GPS to get you from your home to a specific address in another city. You would get there if you followed the instructions.

But what if you google mapped — from your city to their city? Would you get there if you didn’t even know the exact address. It was an area you didn’t know. You would never get there.

So, for many of us — this writing journey is unchartered territory. This is a learn as we go. Get better by doing it. Others are pro’s and they already know the ropes. They just do it.

It’s like up setting unrealistic goals. For example, setting a goal to lose weight without specifying how much weight you want to lose is not a good idea. This means that you probably won’t get there.

Challenge Yourself!

This is one of the ways you can grow.

With challenging goals, you are forcing yourself to move and develop faster than you would with a less challenging goal.

It’s a lot more fun when you are having fun doing something that is challenging. It’s one of the reasons why I enjoy teaching and writing so much.

I have found that once I have mastered something I can easily get into a flow state and share it with others. It is easier to do something that you are comfortable with.

With less challenging goals, it is much more challenging to learn new things.

Write Things Down!

Don’t just think about your goals. Write them down.

It may seem too simple to write down something you want to do. In reality, it is a way that helps you focus on your goals, as you can review them at any time.

You will be more focused — if you have more motivation to work towards them — you will have a better chance of getting there.

Essentials for Becoming a Great Writer — I’ve been writing for a while now and here are some tips I’ve learned.

Use simple words, but use them correctly.

Don’t be afraid to use big words or small words, just don’t overuse them.

Think about how what you’re writing will sound in someone’s head, not just on paper.

Write in a way that respects the people who will read it — they deserve to know what you mean when you say something.

It’s Time for you to Get Started!

Now that you know what you want, you have the desire — It’s time you just go Out and Do It!

Failure is not an option. So you wrote an article and no one liked it, no body clapped. Their loss! Write more, and do it again…

Remember you are in a transition and becoming a Great Writer. It may take some time, but you will get there. Enjoy the process!

I’m looking forward to reading your stories, soon!

Keep Writing!

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Isabel Young
New Writers Welcome

Motivational, Mindset, Health & Getting Better with Age - Helping people improve what they think and how they feel about themselves.