Stop Being Afraid to Write

Your fear is only going to hold you back from being great.

Jacob K Thomas
New Writers Welcome


Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

I recently have been wanting to write a few different articles on money-related issues. My plan for weeks if not months was to make a shift on my personal website as well as here on Medium to write about my other interest. Mainly budgeting, ways of making money, personal finance.

The plan was to expand me out. While doing this, I would finally get back to writing about food. Unfortunately, just like in my want to write about food. I ran into self-limiting beliefs, along with just plain fear.

That’s right, I’m afraid to write about something I really want to write about. I do have a positive side in the fact that I have still been writing, but I could be writing more. I can do more topics and put more of myself out there.

Coming to Terms With What We Always Do

This is something that I think we all do, right? We don’t want to write about a topic because we either don’t believe we are qualified to write about something, or we don’t want feedback on our writing. It’s all too common. We think, if we write about a topic, some of our information is wrong, or if something doesn’t make sense, we could be doomed.



Jacob K Thomas
New Writers Welcome

Writer. Cook. Traveler. Photographer. Featured on the Food Network and newspapers around America.