Stop Focusing On Everything (And Achieve Your Goals)

Keep your head down and work…

Yash Sharma
New Writers Welcome
3 min readFeb 29, 2024


Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

In the past few weeks, I was focusing on everything:

  • I was talking smack about people
  • I was gossiping
  • I was engaging in irrelevant activities

And it was driving me crazy.

I realized that I was distracting myself, focusing on everything and everyone else. It’s none — of my business to judge people, gossip, and do things that won’t matter.

It’s been — three days I have been focusing on what’s important and urgent. I talk less, engage in meaningful conversation, and prioritize my mental peace.

As Winston S. Churchill:

“You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.”

And here’s how you can avoid it…

Step 1: Identify your ‘ONE’ thing

We want to juggle too many balls. We want to make money, build muscle, go on vacations, build a side hustle, and enjoy.

These wildest expectations cost inner peace.

Because we lack clarity, get engaged in junk media, and end up being more depressed. So, to handle this– we should narrow our focus to one thing to 10X our focus level. Every person who has accomplished massive success– started their career with one thing.

As Bruce Lee’s said:

“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”

Step 2: Block your time for ‘ONE’ thing

I get up at 4: 00 am — write for 2 hours, edit, make outlines for upcoming articles, analyze articles, and do Imitate writing. I invest 4 hours every morning to build an audience.

If you schedule a time for your one thing, you’ll get better at it. I’ve been writing in the morning for 2 months, and I’m telling you the result is far better than default mode. Because we prioritize our important tasks, get laser focused, and hit the sweet spot every damn day.

Life is full of chaos, and every step is going to be hard. So, you have to learn to manage daily distractions.

So, there are two types of distractions that you should control.

  1. Internal Distraction
  2. External Distraction

Internal distraction

Many people wander all day, all life, and die without — knowing their true potential. Because thoughts shape our lives. And If you fail to control your mind, then you’re fu*ked.

To manage it–first, identify your triggers– what makes you overthink and doubt yourself. It could be your fears, past traumas, uncertainty. Then take action toward it.

For example, if you get nervous while public speaking, get a coach and start practicing.

External distraction

These things can be easily managed, but you’re avoiding the discomfort of quitting such things.

It could be consuming junk media, living in messy rooms, and people’s opinions.

So, the easiest hack is — to avoid it–that’s what it is.

Put aside your smartphone, make your palace organized, and stop thinking about what people will say.

And get your shit together.



Yash Sharma
New Writers Welcome

23 years old | Helping you overcome fears, make consistent improvements, and accomplish goals 10X faster.