Stop Generating Your Anxiety

The world is simpler than you narrate yourself (with the wrong words)

Luca Vettor
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

I will never make it all!

That’s too much for me!

I will never be able to understand all this!

I can’t manage this situation! I’ll fail!

Are they recurrent thoughts in your mind? Are you struggling stuck in this kind of mindset?

Many reasons may lead to looking at life’s difficulties as impassable mountains. But there’s one that you can address even starting from now.

Follow me through the article. I’m the complexity melter, and I have a recipe that is nothing magic but actionable.

Disclaimer: I don’t promise miracle cures but a path of awareness.


The main symptom is using a few negative words that are always the same. You generate your anxiety by stating that the world’s complexity is overwhelming.

There’s a relationship between your life and how you narrate it. Of course, the narration depends on your factual life, but the vice versa is also true.



Luca Vettor
New Writers Welcome

My 24 years in the IT industry and physics degree flow into my mission: simplify what appears complex.