Stop Helping Everyone

Overcome Your Obsession With Helping Them Who Don’t Deserve It

Antonis Iliakis
New Writers Welcome


Why are people helpful in the first place?

This is a question that has always intrigued me.

Is the inclination to help encoded in our genes? If so, why do some people show no interest in helping others?

Why does assisting others bring happiness?

What occurs when we help someone and how does it impact us both (the helper and the recipient)?

As far back as I can remember, I’ve held onto a profound belief in the power of helping others.

It wasn’t just about fulfilling my own needs.

It was about embracing the interconnectedness of humanity.

We’re not solitary beings. We thrive in the tapestry of social connections, where empathy and kindness are the threads that bind us together.

Helping others is fundamental for harmonious human coexistence

Beyond attending to personal needs, displaying empathy towards others embodies the essence of human beings as social creatures, fostering communal living.

Each person navigates a delicate balance between their own requirements and the expectations of their social milieu.



Antonis Iliakis
New Writers Welcome

Constantly seeking out the boundless opportunities that life has to offer. Believing in the power of positivity, I embrace challenges through the written word.