Surprising Health Benefits of Raisins

The humble raisin is a nutritious powerhouse

Vinita Samuel
New Writers Welcome
2 min readJan 24, 2023


Photo by Andreas Haslinger on Unsplash

Always being a staple in the Middle East, raisins slowly gained popularity in European countries like Rome and Greece.

In the ancient world, raisins were used to treat food poisoning.

Today, these dried grapes are widely enjoyed in yoghurt, oatmeal and smoothies across the world.

Raisins are minimally processed, with no added preservatives or ingredients. This makes these little dried grapes an ideal ingredient in your kitchen.

Whether you are looking for fiber, protein or carbohydrates, a handful of raisins can give you all of this and more.

Raisins are also packed with nutrients like iron, potassium, copper, vitamin B6, manganese and boron.

Here is what a handful of raisins a day can help you with.

Aid digestion

Raisins being rich in fiber are great for your digestive health. Consuming raisins can prevent constipation, aid better digestion and increase the number of good gut bacteria.

Prevent anaemia

Being exceptionally rich in iron, copper and other vital vitamins, raisins can carry oxygen to different parts of your body, helping you combat tiredness.

Reduce heart disease

Raisins can minimize blood sugar and blood pressure levels thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. The potassium in raisins has the ability to reduce strokes.

Prohibit the growth of cancer cells

The antioxidant compounds in the raisin can protect your body from free radicals and oxidative damage, which is responsible for tumor or cancer growth. Raisins are also effective against premature ageing.

Safeguard your eyes and skin

The polyphenols and antioxidants within raisins can protect the cells in your eyes and skin from free radical damage. From reducing the risk of age-related cataracts to reducing the appearance of fine lines, raisins can keep you looking younger for longer.

Soak your raisins for added benefits!

While you can eat your raisins raw, soaking them overnight in water can give your body more minerals and vitamins. It makes it easier for your body to absorb these nutrients. The antioxidants within raisins are also enhanced when soaked. Yet another great way to enjoy your raisins is with a bowl of yoghurt. This combination can reduce the inflammation in your intestines, keep your gums healthy and make your joints stronger.

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Vinita Samuel
New Writers Welcome

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