Take Care of yourself!

Try to enjoy every day

mansi. s
New Writers Welcome
4 min readDec 28, 2021


Photo source. Dreamstime.com

We sometimes live in a contemporary world, to succeed, we have to be a contemporary man. Unfortunately, being in a constant state of concern frequently so many people neglect his/her own needs.

The most important thing that I have accomplished this year is taking care of ourselves, it is our duty. These are some of the things you can think about for your illness.

* Priorities

Always have a list like a mental list in your mind which is most important for you. It must be family, friends, work, and health. You should know your tight circle of yours. For me, I know these are the people, and these are the things that are top priorities of mine this is what will keep me happy and keep me healthy over here and over everywhere so it’s very important to keep this thing on the top in the list than other. It helps you not to donate your time and effort to those things that are not even closest to your list. As you grow older I think that list get tighter and there’s a time when it stays or it keeps shifting, people will come and go from your life, things will keep going ups and downs but overall you have to make your circle of priorities and anything except this is not going to let you effectivelyively and that makes the huge difference in your life.

I wasted so much time on less important things I think this happens with everyone we spend time on things, people we thought this is important but that shouldn’t then we are only left with the feeling we wasted time we should have priorities Better and spend that time to make ourselves happier. Therefore, I think the priority is useful.

* Discipline

Little stuff you know could make your day better. Small as cleaning your room, putting your books in their place I do it every day before sleeping I can’t sleep in a messy room. Try to discipline yourself once it becomes a habit you will be satisfied by a thought like “ I drink 4 litter Water today”. Sometimes it does not feel like studying, but I do it because I know after doing this I’m going to feel better, I don’t want to brush my teeth at night but I force myself to do, there are things sometimes you don’t want to do, but you know if you do it eventually you will be happy with yourself, you are going to feel productive like you did something good and it’s going to make you happy later so that is the effort I’m talking about.

Discipline is an effort and making an effort is not easy, it’s ok but that effort into it will help you a lot in the long run.

To find out which things make you happy and add them to your timetable follow it with discipline.

* Be Nice With Yourself

This is very important and my favorite also, we never pay attention to how rude we are with ourselves. So just reward yourself, celebrate whatever small or big you achieve.

I think we are so hard on ourselves. Before someone else criticizes us our own do. I have noticed if I didn’t work out for two days on third instead of saying I can’t do it, I wasted two days now it will not happen if I say it’s okay, two days are gone I can do it now, and continue, I won’t feel last two days it is fine at least I wake up to do it now.

Sometimes we don’t reward ourselves even after we accomplished something. So reward it’s great we can do!

* Find You What Of Happiness.

Find your form of meditation or what it is that you can do to calm down. For me, it’s reading a form of meditation, when I read my mind clams down the crowd of thoughts disappears slowly, it’s not like I suddenly forgot everything but it feels like I left my all thoughts, problems, confusion for some time this is mine it could be different for everyone, some people do painting, listen to songs and you know what is that for you, you know that this thing can make me happy

Give those things time properly every day, then no matter how crazy your day was just give five minutes to the thing which makes you calm or make you feel happy.happened

I know everyone has different processes, everyone has their ways these are only a few things that I always keep in mind and consistently try to follow also sometimes fail on some days but these are a few things that I follow to make sure that I take care of myself, to make sure I’m keeping myself happy, to make sure I’m in my priority circle and I do things that I enjoy to do, to make sure I celebrate every little thing in my life and that brings happiness and it could be helpful especially times like these when you are very stressful and yourselves again it’s an effort but self-care is super important.

Take care!



mansi. s
New Writers Welcome

I'm a student who loves to do research and provide information by writing ❤