Tales of a First Child Pt 1

By TheOutsidePerspective

New Writers Welcome
1 min readMay 9, 2024


Photo by Isaac Quesada on Unsplash

Because of them…


A gasp of air. Opened eyes. Continuous wailing.
Once upon a time. A pure soul.
Once upon a time. An untainted heart.
Once upon a time. A smile so bright.
Once upon a time. A lot of love.
Once upon a time. So this is pain.

Loss of breath. Silence.
Pain. Once upon a time. Once a time. A second.
Some attention is gone. Understandable. There's a second.
Love. A need to protect. My responsibility.
A beautiful Child. Cute eyes. Always smiling. So this is my second.


A third. Continuous wailing. Looks at me. Smiles.
An indescribable feeling. All attention is lost. A desire to protect.
So this is my third.

Pain. Silent wailing.
Issues. More issues. Lots of issues. Pain.
Its you!!! Its you!!!” A scapegoat. For their rage.
Engage, protect. A shield.
For second. For third. For all.
Brain strains.

A mediator. A parent. A pillar.It has to be me.

A Fragile heart. Clinging to emotions.
No attention. An attempt to connect.
Rejected. punished. No will to connect.
Heart strains.


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