
This is not an autobiographical poem (maybe)!

Craig Richards
New Writers Welcome
Apr 28, 2022



I’m a tanglefoot philosopher,
you should hear me opine.
With whiskey in my glass, I
contemplate the Grand Design.

I’ve solved the problems of the world
before the clock hit four,
then sped off to the liquor shop
for sev’ral bottles more.

The deepest matters that confound
the feeble mind of man —
who on this Earth can solve them?
Well, with “Jack” on hand, I can!

Without the nectar of the gods,
I’m weak, and full of doubt;
so charge your glass, and drink with me —
we’ll sort this madness out!



Craig Richards
New Writers Welcome

Programmer, web designer, educator, writer, poet, friend to animals, contrarian, freethinker. That’s for starters.