The Alienation of Modern Life

Matthew David
New Writers Welcome
3 min readOct 23, 2021


I wonder how many others feel the same…

Photo by Amos Bar-Zeev on Unsplash

It’s a typical modern life weekday morning. You wake up at 6:30 a.m. and look out the same window you’ve been looking out for the same 10 years, but only for a brief minute because your phone is right by that window.

You “check” your social media accounts, but inevitably, it turns into a 45-minute scroll fest through your social media of choice.

“Great, now I don’t have time to make a smoothie.”, you mutter to yourself as you get out of bed and finally take a shower, and do the same routine you’ve been doing for the past how-ever many years.

Why is it that we continue to live like this? This past couple of years should have taught us a few things; and one of those things is that life is transient, and the way we did things before really wasn’t working out.

I don’t mean this on a societal level, either.

I mean this on a spiritual, mental, and physical level. We are lucky enough to be human beings- lucky enough to have a relationship with the cosmic infinite, whatever that may actually be.

The great philosopher Plato actually talks about this in his analogy of the Cave in the Republic.

For those unfamiliar, a brief overview of the story of the cave is like this.



Matthew David
New Writers Welcome

Philosopher. Writer. Coffee Addict. I write about Philosophy from the Ancient Greeks to Existentialism. ←Learn more here