The Art of Being Vulnerable

Making Connections That Last

J.J Ems
New Writers Welcome


Photo: Bing Image Creator, provided by author.

I’ve come to learn that we all have them, those shields we wear to get us through our days.

Whether we use these shields to help us get through a large crowd quickly or maybe give that presentation to a new group setting, part of our personality goes into autopilot, putting up our defenses and keeping us protected.

Breaking down the Walls.

It’s no easy feat to conquer the practice of being vulnerable with new people, and I, for one, am no expert. However, by applying this practice when I can, I have learned that not only do you get to share more of your own story, but you also begin to discover the stories of others.

It sucks to admit, but when we first meet someone new, our brains tend to have assumptions about who they might be, no matter how hard we try to remain open-minded. I’m guilty of this myself, and trust me, the more I’ve shared more of my own stories, the more my assumptions have been proven wrong.

Wait, You Do What?

Sharing your insecurities and how you deal with them opens a new communication pathway, and I’ve grown to appreciate it over the years.

Allowing others into your world and expressing how certain situations may affect…

