The Attractive Truth about Dog Parenting

Think you’re ready to be a pet parent? Get all the facts regarding the happiness, challenges, and love that come with dog parenting.

Anand P
New Writers Welcome
4 min readFeb 5, 2024


Coco (Author’s Image)

Climbing the job ladder taking a toll on your well-being?

Do you find it difficult to de-stress post-work ?

Are you looking for something that gives you unconditional happiness?

I have two words for you: Pet Parenting!

To get this straight, having a pet dog has long been a source of the daily dose of oxytocin for people.

But for all the despair COVID-19 caused, it also made a lot of us cherish true happiness and what better way to fight your blues than having a four-legged furry friend lick you out of bed? Here are a few truths about pet parenting I wished I had known earlier:

1. It’s always the right time to bring your first pet home.

Whether you are new parents, a DINK (Double Income No Kid) couple, or elderlies whose offspring have left the nest — it’s for everyone!

2. Finding the one for you

Enter September 2023 and my 35th year around the sun, we began our journey of ‘Finding Coco’ (as we would later end up naming her).

Starting with the usual suspects, a Golden Retriever or a Labrador.

But soon realised that neither the government quarters we currently lived in nor the frequent need to move around the globe would be the ideal setting for a big dog.

Next came the popular breeds — Pug, Beagle, Shih Tzu, Chihuahua.

But I was keen to go for something a bit off the beaten track.

As luck would have it, a dog-walker friend, referred us to this Pet Shop and that’s where we met our Coco — a female Poodle.

It was love at first sight.

Source: GIPHY

The fact that Poodles are Hypoallergenic and one of the smartest dog-breeds was a cherry on our ‘new pet-parent’ cake.

And thus began my 2nd love affair (my wife duly being the first) and wife’s 4th (Coco, Shahrukh Khan, Tom Cruise and Your’s truly, in that order).

3. The Initial Days

The first few nights (and days ) were not the easiest. Rather tough as hell!

Having separated from her mother, (we ensured she stayed with her for at least 10 weeks) Coco suffered from separation anxiety.

And we were novice dog parents.

But smitten and willing to do anything to be best possible human parents!

Feeding her right. Timely Vaccinations. Right toys to play with — phew!

Overnight, our household’s Amazon delivery profile went from heavy on women’s makeup and interior decoration to Pet toys and tiny clothes.

4. The hard grind starts to pay back

Soon, upon our return from work, she started greeting us with never-before-seen excitement in our household.

Next was sleeping on our bed as if she owned it and cuddling us to sleep!

Coco has given us more joy than we could have imagined.

5. Win-Win for Mental Health

As per the National Library of Medicine, during Covid-19, most parents in Australia reported their pet was helpful for their own (78%) and their child’s mental health (80%).

I cannot overstate Coco’s role in increasing our emotional well-being and bringing my wife and me closer than we were.

From elderly parents to younger cousins — everybody wants time in ‘Coco’land.

Photo by Jeremy Stewardson on Unsplash

6. Word of Advice

We did have to deal with some complaints from fellow residents, whose kids can’t stop pestering them to get their very own Coco now!

On a more serious note, sharing a few tips from our experience :

  • Background check on the breeder along with the pet’s family — this will help ensure no history of any disease or illness
  • Documentation to be appropriate documentation — in case you decide to travel with them in the future
  • Vet Visits to be regular — vaccination is key to keeping everyone safe
  • Spend time with your pet — while they can be a source of joy and entertainment for you, for them you are their entire world.

Like with all things good, there is a certain amount of responsibility and financial commitment that comes with being a pet owner.

We estimate the cost to be around $65 for monthly expenses (India).

Please take that into account when diving into this life-changing decision.

Abandoning pets is a punishable offence under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960 in India.

Yet it’s done a lot more than we imagine (Relinquishment rate is 50%)

If, like us, you have also been at a crossroads of pet ownership for some time, hope our journey will help you take the plunge.

While Pet ownership is not for everyone, I can safely say it is the single most important thing you can do to make your home a happy place.

Written by Anand P



Anand P
New Writers Welcome

Writer, Banker, Dog Parent, Diplomatic Spouse. I am finding my own voice and sharing learnings in self-improvement, psychology, content creation, and writing