The Bar Isn’t as High As You Think

Your audience is only asking for one thing — genuineness.

The Idea Zone
New Writers Welcome
2 min readNov 2, 2023


Photo by Marija Zaric on Unsplash

Putting yourself out there can be daunting. I know because I’ve been there.

Most content creators will swan into your social media pages with bold, brash claims of how much money they’ve made as they sell their ‘secrets’ to get more followers. When they’re not doing that, they’re busy having their already-large egos being stoked by their impressive numbers and army of enthralled commenters. This can make us, the average Joes of the content creation, world feel like we can’t measure up.

I guess they’re just more talented than me, I hear you whispering to yourself.

Except, like a superhero nobody asked for, I’m here to swoop in and tell you that there’s no need to feel down.

Thanks for saving me, Medium Advice Man!

MediumMan, the hero we need. Photo by Serge Kutuzov on Unsplash.

I can’t see DC or Marvel picking that character up anytime soon, so get cracking with the patents whilst you can — just be sure to credit me.

Anyway, back to my point:

Think about it this way — if everybody on Medium was an unbelievably- gifted writer, then great writing wouldn’t stand out on the internet whatsoever. The required standard would have to be so high that only a handful of writers would have any kind of success on the platform.

But that’s not the case, is it? In fact, there are thousands of writers here who are accomplishing great things on here. They’re pulling in followers, creating successful newsletters, and making a lot of money. Granted, some claims you’ll see on here — like how certain writers make hundreds of thousands a month by writing posts — are full of shit, but the point still stands.

That’s because being a great writer and being a successful one are two different things. I’ve covered this before, but I’ll say it louder for those in the back and those who haven’t subscribed to my profile, which is, admittedly, most of Medium: you don’t have to be a great writer, but you have to be an honest one. Your audience will understand and forgive you if your technical skills aren’t great, but they will not tolerate phony posts and an incongruent personality.

If there’s one thing to be on this platform, it’s transparent. You may not get as many followers along the way, but the ones you do make will be genuine.



The Idea Zone
New Writers Welcome

My name is Cameron and I try to write articles that aren’t terrible and advice that won’t get me sued.