Self Improvement

The BEST Method to Overcome Procrastination.

How you can teach your mind to stop procrastinating within exactly 3 seconds.

Kai Arthur Allison
New Writers Welcome


Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

There lurks a monster within each and every one of us. It’s a monster like you have never seen before. However, it is still an important part of you. It’s the pleasure-seeking part of your brain. While it is the reason for a lot of fun you had in your life already, it is also the part of your brain which makes you procrastinate. It’s always focused on immediate gratification and therefore hinders you from doing the work that you need to become successful (and happy in the long term). You probably understand why I, therefore, call it a monster, and in this article, I will teach you a technique to besiege this monster and overcome procrastination.

To start this article, let me stress one very important thing: This is not a “magical pill” solution to all your problems with procrastination. To succeed and therefore improve, you will need to put in work and effort, but eventually, you will make it.

Now let’s get back to the technique. What we are ultimately going to do is teach the other part of your brain, which is not controlled by the desire for immediate gratification, how to take back control whenever you are procrastinating. It works by developing a routine, which is consciously triggered by you at any given time. At first, we will therefore set this trigger, and then we will connect it to the action of stopping to procrastinate.

The trigger

As a trigger we will use something your brain knows for a long time already. (Photo by Nicolas Hoizey on Unsplash)

As a trigger for this action, we will use the act of mentally counting down from three to zero. Whenever you realize that you are procrastinating, you will need to say to yourself that you are going to stop. Then you will focus on this thing you are doing and at the same time start counting down.





The action

When your mental countdown reaches zero, you will stop the thing (whatever it is)you are procrastinating with and get back to what matters to you.

Just stop. (Photo by Jose Aragones on Unsplash)

It’s that simple.

A personal tip

This whole technique is meant to turn into a routine over time. It’s only through becoming a routine that it can develop its full power. But at the beginning, routines oftentimes aren’t strong enough to always work. This is why I would recommend you to start applying this technique to some more easy things first. Those things could for example be: ending an awesome hot shower or stopping to watch TikTok for the hour. Apply this technique to those easy things at first, stay consistent for a few weeks, and eventually, it will be strong enough to end any of your procrastination rampages.

Okay, this sounds a lot like self-help hoax, but the thing is this technique works. It works for me and a lot of friends of mine as well. Of course, it doesn’t work immediately but with some proper training, you can turn it into a powerful habit. In the real world, there is nothing that can stop such a habit as long as you apply it frequently and therefore help it become even stronger.



Kai Arthur Allison
New Writers Welcome

Jogger. Writer. Student | Writing about Tech, History, Success, and everything that I think can help people in life | Support me and my writing by following me