The Blurting Method: Your Ultimate Tool for Efficient Work and Study!

Divyanshu Lakwad
New Writers Welcome
3 min readOct 11, 2023
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Unjaded Jade, a YouTube content creator, was the first to popularize the blurting revision strategy. She used her social media platforms to promote her study methods with others after achieving excellent exam results. ‘Study Sphere’ is the name of Jade’s YouTube channel, where she gives additional helpful tips for enhancing your ability to study and understand concepts.

What is the Blurting Method?

Blurting entails swiftly reading a section of a textbook, an exam specification, or another study aid, then closing the book and copying down as much of the material as possible. After that, re-read the textbook or study guide and compare what you wrote to the text to evaluate which areas your recollection was good on and which sections may need additional work. The blurting approach is an active recall technique that is frequently employed during exam revision. A memory dump is another term for blurring. Blurting is an excellent approach to studying for tests since it can be done quickly, it clearly shows which areas you should focus your further revision on, and it stores crucial information in your short-term memory so that you can transfer it to your long-term memory.

At its most basic, the blurting approach consists of reading a passage of text or notes, then closing them and writing down as much of the information as you can recall. This makes your brain work harder to remember the knowledge, hammering it into your long-term memory.

How to Use the Blurting Method?

Step 1: Get your notes in order

It will be easier to assimilate your material if you organize it into small and remembered sections. Create clear headings and subheadings in your notes, make a mind map for each topic or write your notes on flashcards to do this. Having a thorough and clear picture of what you’re going to learn provides you at least a hazy picture of all you’ve studied later. Take detailed and legible notes on everything.

Step 2: Read

Go over every reading you have on the topic or idea you are researching. Reading anything carefully and reading it repeatedly helps you comprehend what the subject is all about. Learn understanding of the material and can recall some of it.

Step 3: Blurt it out!

Grab a piece of paper, cover or hide your notes, and begin rambling. Write down all you can remember from your notes as soon as you can. Take out a piece of paper, and begin to jot down all the details you can. Don’t stress about doing things correctly. Simply jot down anything you can recall, paying special attention to the major ideas and key phrases.

This is the major activity you’ll perform when using this note-taking technique. The blurting technique is essentially just saying something quickly and without thinking, as the word ‘blurt’ denotes. You are ‘blurting’ when you impulsively and swiftly recollect the knowledge from memory and write it down.

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Step 4: Review and Add

Examine your notes once more to see what details you may have overlooked during your blurt.

Compare your notes to the original text once you have finished blurting. This will make it easier for you to spot any writing errors or facts that you might have overlooked. Reviewing your errors enables you to learn from them and prevent recurrence. To make it simple to see what you need to remember the next time, add the information you missed on your blurting paper in a different colour.

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Divyanshu Lakwad
New Writers Welcome

A law student turned writer, working on himself to improve everyday. I mostly write on self-growth, since I love to share everything that I learn.