Start Now, Start Small, Start Where You Are

Stop waiting, tomorrow is uncertain

Georgina Odafe
New Writers Welcome


Image by Gratisography on Pexels

Tomorrow will never come.

That was my mum’s response everytime I tell her I’ll start tomorrow.

Yes, we want everything to be perfect. Maybe we even need to acquire some skills or resources before starting. But waiting for the perfect circumstances is like being stuck in a fairy tale dream and refusing to wake up.

Because the truth is, the stars are never going to align.

Start Small

If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. -Napoleon Hill

When I was 9, my mum wanted to go into agriculture, but she didn’t have the necessary tools and they cost a lot of money then. A few people advised her to wait until she could get those things, but she said, “Then, I might have to wait forever, so I’ll just start with whatever I have.”

Which was nothing.

She got a few basic tools from different people, some seeds, a small piece of land and that was how she began.

In a few years, she built our house from that business and had enough to send her four daughters to the university.

