The Dangers of Ambition

a Prometheus Retelling

Julieanna Jalbert
New Writers Welcome
2 min readJun 9, 2024


Photo by SHANNON-MARIE MUSCAT on Unsplash

The two brothers stood side by side

Not quite man and not quite God, their lives had been a wild ride

When she noticed the twinkle of wisdom in his new-born eyes, “Prometheus” called out his mother

And, “Epimetheus” she had named the foolish other

Prometheus looked down at the poor, thoughtless humankind

And of his brother they did remind

One sat on a rock with his head hung low in sorrow

And all Prometheus could see was the rigid, broken path toward tomorrow

The sight punctured his heart, and a pool of pity he did feel

I can pave them a fresh route, he thought, I can make their dreams and desires real

Prometheus showed them how to light a fire on the ground

The melting heat and sparking light, with which the humans though to be profound

The men took sticks and bricks, and they built homes to live in, instead of caves

In the future, Prometheus could see that they would learn to conquer the chaos of the ocean’s waves

They wore ear-to-ear smiles while basking in the golden rays of the sun

From the predators of the earth did they no longer need to run

But it soon became so, that the anger of tyrannical gods above would grow

Zeus, with his booming thunder and vengeful spirit, was a dangerous foe

He sat above in his mighty throne of gold

And the joy of the humans he could not help but scold

They cannot beat me, he raged in spite

Prometheus may be full of wisdom, but I am always right

The all-mighty god had a plan

To unleash the evils of the world, and wreck the hopes and dreams of man

His soul was wrapped in thick, green vines of greed

A sickly poison and a tedious weed

And so, he created Pandora, a curious woman who held a box of treasures in her hand

A gift to Epimetheus, whom he sent to live on the human’s land

Despite the cry of Prometheus, who continued to plead

To the gift from Zeus, Epimetheus agreed

Pandora’s soul was a heavenly golden hue

But to the wreckage she’d bring, the world didn’t have a clue

She peered at the intricate carvings lining the chest

And she couldn’t put her pounding heart to rest

With a heavy breath, she glanced inside

And out flew the wicked creatures of earth, more deadly than the rapid tide

Their malice encased the humans, and poked into their heart, like the bare branches of a bush

And the joy disappeared, drifting from the world with a woosh

by Julieanna Jalbert



Julieanna Jalbert
New Writers Welcome

I'm a young author and poet. My passions include creative writing, reading, and gardening, while my goals are to grow my platform and share my writing.