The Dark Side of Being an Entrepreneur!

Beneath the Glamour

Patrick Owens
New Writers Welcome


The moon in shadow
Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash

Have you ever had the feeling that launching yourself into the exciting world of entrepreneurship is like taking a giant step into the light?

Indeed, I did.

I welcome you to accompany me on this exploration of the dark side of entrepreneurship as we unearth the unsightly realities that lie just under the surface.

We’ll navigate the maze of difficulties that frequently get unsaid in the glossy accounts of achievement, from insomnia to imposter syndrome.

So buckle up, because we’re about to explore “The Dark Side of Being an Entrepreneur!”

Independence’s Allure

After years of being stifled in the cubicle, the idea of complete independence felt like a breath of fresh air when I turned in my resignation letter and said goodbye to the corporate grind.

Oh, the things I dreamed!

I want the flexibility to choose my own path, not oppressive timetables or supervisors breathing down my neck.

But, my goodness, reality hit me like a rubber band in the face.



Patrick Owens
New Writers Welcome

Hi, Patrick here. Storyteller exploring life's wonders. From business insights to personal growth, I share wisdom and inspiration through words. Let's connect!