The Dark Side of Self-Help

How self-improvement went wrong

Maged Ait Abbi
New Writers Welcome
6 min readJun 11, 2023

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Pursuing self-improvement and personal growth has made the self-help industry a worldwide phenomenon. I guess we all can agree on that, right?

Since then individuals like you and me can access a wealth of resources, including books, seminars, online courses, and motivational speakers, to enhance our lives. And that is the good side, however, as with any industry, we need to also look at what went wrong and what can we do to fix it.

Ladies and gentlemen, without further do, let’s jump into the rabbit hole.

The Illusion of Perfection

One of the biggest pitfalls of the self-help industry is the promotion of an unattainable ideal of perfection. Self-help gurus often present themselves as paragons of success, showcasing their achievements and seemingly perfect lives. This portrayal can create unrealistic expectations in individuals who aspire to achieve similar levels of success, wealth, and happiness.

I bet you’ve been there — haven’t ya?

But don’t get me wrong. While it is undoubtedly beneficial to set goals and strive for personal growth, it is crucial to recognize that perfection is an illusion. Life is filled with ups and downs, and nobody can maintain a state of constant success and happiness. By chasing an unattainable ideal, we may end up feeling inadequate and discouraged when we fail to meet those unrealistic expectations. generated, generated by the author

And trust me when I tell you that I am one person that struggled enormously in that sense. I always looked at what I was failing to do and never at what I was actually achieving. It was never enough.

It is then essential to learn to embrace our imperfections, acknowledge the fact that setbacks and failures are part of the journey, and understand that true growth comes from learning and embracing our vulnerabilities.

Toxic Positivity

Another issue that plagues the self-help industry is the phenomenon of toxic positivity. (Keep smiling).

While positive thinking and optimism can be powerful tools, they should not be used to suppress or invalidate negative emotions. Self-help literature often emphasizes the importance of positive thinking and encourages individuals to avoid negative emotions at all costs. This mindset can create a toxic environment where people feel pressured to put on a facade of happiness, even when they are struggling internally.

No matter what happens to you, never ever allow yourself to feel bad or show that you actually are NOT happy. God forbid.

If you believe that stuff, toss it out the window and realize that it is crucial to acknowledge and process negative emotions rather than brush them aside. Ignoring or suppressing negative feelings can have a very detrimental effect on mental health and well-being. Instead of promoting a relentless focus on positivity, it is important to cultivate emotional authenticity and develop healthy coping mechanisms to navigate life’s challenges.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Learn to acknowledge both positive and negative emotions, and let’s allow ourselves to experience the full range of human emotions, in the end, we are here, as Luke Belmar said: “To experience life. With all the ups and downs. We are not here to be happy.”

Oversimplification and One-Size-Fits-All Solutions

Another very relevant problem is that many self-help resources tend to oversimplify complex issues and offer one-size-fits-all solutions. Human beings are unique individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and circumstances. What works for one person may not work for another. The self-help industry very often presents generalized advice that may not consider the nuances and complexities of individual lives.

“I knew it! — So it is not my fault that I am constantly failing!”

Slow down, my friend.

While it is important to approach self-help resources with a critical mindset, you must also recognize that not all advice will be applicable to your specific situations. We must take into account our own needs, strengths, and limitations when seeking personal growth. Customizing self-help techniques and strategies to align with our individual circumstances can lead to more meaningful and sustainable progress. This requires a deep understanding of ourselves, introspection, and a willingness to experiment and adapt strategies to suit our unique needs.

So we must learn to find the advice that is applicable to our situation and implement it in our life.

Dependency on External Validation

The self-help industry can inadvertently foster a dependence on external validation. It is common for self-help literature to encourage individuals to seek validation and affirmation from others as a measure of success and self-worth. This can create an unhealthy reliance on external opinions and hinder the development of self-esteem and self-confidence.

Delegate your happiness and you will never be happy.

True self-improvement should focus on fostering a sense of internal validation, where individuals define their own worth and measure their progress based on personal growth and fulfillment. While seeking support and feedback from others is natural, relying solely on external validation can lead to a constant need for approval, eroding your sense of self and hindering your ability to make authentic choices.

Develop self-compassion, cultivate self-awareness, and build a strong sense of self-worth. This is what self-improvement is all about.

Commercialization and Exploitation

The self-help industry, like any other profitable market, is susceptible to commercialization and exploitation. While there are genuinely helpful resources available, there are also individuals and organizations that capitalize on people’s vulnerabilities and insecurities. They may promise quick fixes or sell overpriced programs that offer little substance.

It’s all about the money in the end, isn’t it?

It is crucial to approach self-help resources with discernment and skepticism. DYOR, read reviews and seek recommendations from trusted sources before investing time and money into self-help products or services. Remember that genuine self-improvement takes time, effort, and introspection, and it is not a product that can be purchased.

Apply the: “If it is too good to be true, then probably you are right.”

Don’t fall for the self-proclaimed gurus and trust your intuition. generated by the author

Closing On

We learned that while the self-help industry can offer many valuable tools and insights for personal growth, it is essential to approach it with a critical mindset.

Learning to recognize the potential downsides of the self-help movement, such as the illusion of perfection, toxic positivity, oversimplification, dependency on external validation, and commercial exploitation, will in the end allow us to navigate this industry more wisely.

And what’s more is that self-improvement should be a journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and growth, rather than an unattainable pursuit of perfection.

Ultimately, the power to improve ourselves lies within us, and true growth comes from a genuine desire to evolve and live authentically.

Remember that the quick way is the long way.



Maged Ait Abbi
New Writers Welcome

I work in Finance, speak & learn new languages, and create stuff in my free time.