The Daunting Truth

A Sad Reality . . .

Akshat Lamba
New Writers Welcome
May 25, 2024


Image by Leroy Skalstad from Pixabay

Pick the shoes of someone else,
the ones who wish for food,
who wish for a father,
who wish for a school.
And wear them.

Because only then will we realize,
that dreaming is a privilege for us,
and death is only an option.
And for some,
dreaming is never an option,
and death is a privilege.

Pick another pair of shoes,
one that is so bland that it lies in a trash can
one that is nameless and torn,
one that is thrown after worn.
Wear it, and you will realize,
that nobody cared that it was gone.



Akshat Lamba
New Writers Welcome

Writer with the dream to impact your life with my stories, poetry, articles and blogs.