The Day I Knew I Wanted to Marry My Husband

How an embarrassing incident showed me the kind of man I was dating

M. Fountain
New Writers Welcome
3 min readMay 26, 2022


Photo by Jasmin Sessler on Unsplash

Almost twenty years ago I started dating who is now my beloved husband. We used to work together and, about two years after we met, we started dating. As it happens when you are new in a relationship, we were spending most of our free time together. It was so fun and sexy! I remember having this exhilarating feeling of infatuation and magic that was hard to believe it was real.

I am not sure exactly how long we have been dating, but we were fairly new. He would stay with me most of the week except when we both would drive to each one’s hometowns to spend the weekend with our respective families.

One day, I don’t know exactly what I got, I was very sick and (sorry for being so graphic) things were coming out of both ends. It was so bad that I had to miss work.

During my sick period, one of the times that I went to the bathroom, after I finished my “business” something terrible just happened! Once I flushed the toilet, I noticed that the water started to come back up with all the mess included!!!

Let me pause the story for a moment to tell you that I was a new home owner, and I had no idea that a simple plunger would have solved this issue immediately. However, I was not aware of that. I had a plunger but it was not in the bathroom, it was in the garage. Now back to the story…

At some point, the whole thing starts overflowing the toilet and I start screaming ¡Ay Dios mío nooo! That is when my new boyfriend knocks on my door and asks me What is going on?” to what I reply screaming Please stay away, do not come in!”.

All of the sudden, the toilet went back to normal, but the bathroom was a disgusting mess. I placed a towel in the floor right in front of the bathroom door. After that, I went running to get a bucket, gloves, old towels, a bottle of bleach, and a mop. Then I started to try to clean up the whole mess. The problem, with my attempt to clean all that, was that I was very sick on top of being heavily disgusted which cause me to be constantly gagging.

At that moment, all I could wish for was for a big hole to open below my bathroom floor and take me away with all my mess and embarrassment.

At the beginning of the “situation”, he gave me space because he noticed how mortified I was. But then he looked at me and told me Can you please let me help you? Please get out of there, I will clean it up.”

I started crying and told him how embarrassed I was that he had to see all that, and there was no way that I would let him clean up my shit, literally!!

Then he told me something that made me realize I was dating a real grown up man: “First of all you are sick, second of all this is something that could happen to anyone, we are all adults here, now please let me clean this up and you go to bed”.

After a few rounds of him trying to convince me to let him clean and me telling him “no freaking way!” I finally let him do it. I remember him saying “Hey, enough already! We are all adults here, go to bed please.”

In addition to many conversations about our relationship, and life in general, in that moment I knew this was the guy I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. He was a grown adult whom I liked and loved so much, with realistic expectations and knew how to take care of me.

We dated and then lived together about five years before we got married. To this day we have been married for 15 years. I am thankful for him, the years we have spent together and excited for the ones we will continue for the rest of our lives.

Thank you for reading!



M. Fountain
New Writers Welcome

A writer in the making. Writing to relive good and funny experiences and to treat old wounds from my soul. Thank you for being here!