The Days of the Damned

Free Verse

Clarence Chavis
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

In the light of day
I rise
I plot my day
sometimes by notes
sometimes by bliss

I move forward with progress
for the light and darkness will happen
without my concern

The daily toil on the concrete soil
in a car moving slowly with a pack of cars
a fee for the bridge
arrival an hour later
I repeat this 5 out of 7 days

The mundane of my schedule
an out of body experience
a soul crushing routine lasting 8 hours
sometimes more with overtime

Back in a car moving slowly with a new pack of cars
a fee for the bridge
arrival at my domain an hour later
I repeat this 5 out of 7 days

I link up with the mailbox with info for me
with targeted ads from my internet searches
bills with overdue charges
bank statements with overdraft fees
but that’s not all I see

The inhabitants inside my domicile
await my return
await my preparation for their dinner
just like my employment, I’m taken for granted
but I press on
and feed my loves

No time to de-stress
It’s bedtime
getting ready for Tuesday
day 2 out of 5 days.

