The First Thing You Have to Learn as a Writer

You will become more hardworking and consistent

Magnus Ingemansen
New Writers Welcome
2 min readJan 15, 2023


Woman sitting in front of her computer
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Have you ever read an article and thought, “This sounds too simple to be true?” Or have you ever read one of these articles and then later regretted it? Me too.

Whatever you do, whether it is writing, exercising, etc., it all requires hard, consistent work. A lot of people on the internet prefer to ignore this.

One of these people is my friend. He lives a difficult and lonely life and has a controlling father. This has led to him spending most of his time at home.

At home, he codes on a freelance basis. His work is all about programming tools like plugins and bots for Discord, for example.

The issue is that it hasn’t taught him the fundamental value of hard work, because he thinks it’s all about easy money.

Boy coding for himself in the dark
Photo by cottonbro studio

Similarly, many writers who join Medium believe they will have an easy time making money.

Let’s be honest with one other on this platform: that is not the case at all — when you work as a writer, there are more cloudy days than sunny ones.

That leads me to why I’m making this post.

If a new writer asks me the one key to success, I’ll tell them that it is hard work and consistency.

As Dwayne Johnson puts it:

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.”

But how do you become this hardworking and consistent writer? Let me tell you why.

How to start

To become a hard worker, you must first complete the following two steps:

These will help you start out, but ultimately it is up to you to keep going every day. Good luck!

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Magnus Ingemansen
New Writers Welcome

Young writer, life enthusiast. My purpose is to make other people happy through my writing.