The Glory Of The Sea

A Personal Reflection on Nature

Faizan Anwar
New Writers Welcome
2 min readJul 16, 2022


Photo by Faizan Anwar — Anacapa Islands

The longer I gaze in it, the more it reveals to me the blessing of experience. The fact that I can witness it with my eyes, feel it with my skin, taste it with my tongue, and smell it with my nose throws all my philosophical conundrums aside. The question of existence takes a back seat as I get consumed by the overwhelming power of the sea.

The bed contains in it the secrets and treasures revealed to none. The unstoppable flow creates a wave that washes away everything in its way to clear the path for its inhabitants. It creates, sustains, and decays life. It stretches endlessly on the horizon with no limits but with a picture of celestial mass with its copious light and a group of surviving avians flying to their destinations.

As I scan the ocean’s enormity, the panorama is interrupted by an island bearing the waves of the sea. Another wonder in the middle of wonder, a body of crystallized lava containing calcium, minerals, irons, and probably more than half of the periodic table, stands and supports the things unseen. It is said that these islands are a grand canyon underneath, sleeping within the sea. The ocean that contains such a thing in its belly is a glorious fact, lest there is so much more than what meets the eye. The inhabitants of these rocks have been surviving for generations with the combination of what the sea and land provide. They call it home while it seems a stranded land to us.

Regardless of what tribulations I go through, they seem very minute when I look at the scene. In the grand scheme of things, it makes me realize the small role I play in the strings of fate. It reminds me of the grandeur plan of destiny and the power of the creator who put all this in motion. It puts in perspective how much is there to explore and how much is there to know. The strings that I am estranged in with my life problems, they all untangle by being in the mere presence of this natural wonder.

Faizan Anwar



Faizan Anwar
New Writers Welcome

A philosophy enthusiast, a student of science, an admirer of human behavior.