The Journal of Abraham Windfist

Let Sleeping Gods Lie, Act 1: An Unusual Brain #1

Jackson Barr Stories
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Zachary Kadolph on Unsplash

This is a snapshot from “Let Sleeping Gods Lie, Act 1: An Unusual Brain” — a short fantasy novel about a boy with an unusual brain who didn’t so much save the world as create a brand new one — continued from Eaten Forever by the Great Mother of Night. Follow to see the story unfold.

For a long time, I was alone. I wandered in the darkness of nothing; my thoughts flickering in the black void. Inside my primal mind, consciousness wrestled with sleep.’

Abraham Windfist put his last book back in its correct position on the shelf and admired his work. Mighty Mountain and the Three Strong Women was still his favourite book. More and more he found himself drawn to the Kid Zone in the library. To the noise and the fuss. It reminded him he was alive and the world was full of wonder and life and mysteries.

Right now it was the epicentre of a storytelling maelstrom in the form of a teenage volunteer from the local high school. Her enthusiastic handsplaining and zany voices for each and every character were legendary. And to the small army of three and four-year-old children gathered tightly around her in an ever-shrinking, always moving circle, she was a hero of old risen again just for their entertainment.



Jackson Barr Stories
New Writers Welcome

Learning to read more like a writer and write more like a reader.