The Next Generation of World Leaders

Be the Change You Wish to See in the World


A man holding a torch. It’s written “World Leaders”, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”

In my last articles, I have been sharing details of my vision, especially in my Manifesto for a New Humanity. I invite you to read it if you haven’t already, and to share with me what you think. You can also learn more about it by exploring my other articles and the content on my Instagram account 😃

In this article, we will answer a question that some of you asked me:

“I love your vision, but how do we make it a reality?”

What is the most powerful lever to actually build this world? I believe that it lies in reshaping our institutions.

What is the most powerful lever to transform our institutions? I believe that it lies in changing its foundations. In other words, it’s about changing its values, the beliefs these institutions are founded upon, and therefore the leaders who create them.

This is what I aim to do: to empower the next generation of leaders to build a new world! 🌎

“How can he do this with his limited track record and his young age?” some of you might ask yourselves. Well, I asked myself the same question 😆

And I found an answer 🙌 I am not doing this on my own. I am simply the host of a community, a community of people all driven by the same vision: to build a world founded on peace, love, & hope 🌟

So join our community by following me on Instagram and you will get notified of all the next community events! 🎊

Note 👀 Perhaps you don’t know where to start. Perhaps you feel overwhelmed by your dream. Perhaps you doubt that you can make your dream a reality.

The truth is that we are all going through the same journey, and we are finding solutions together in our community.

So these are even more reasons to join our community!

Together, we’re stronger! 💪



Paul • Founder of a Home for Humanity 🌎
New Writers Welcome

Global Citizen | Third Culture Kid | Community Builder 🤝 Building Bridges Across Cultures 🕊️ Promoting World Peace