Why Solopreneurship is a Big Mistake Towards a $10K/Month Business

The business path you need to take instead.

George Kathele
New Writers Welcome
5 min readApr 1, 2024


Photo by Francisco De Legarreta C. on Unsplash

Can you quickly hit a $10k/month payday as a solopreneur, or do you need extra support?

Your goals and beliefs determine what is considered correct; every answer is valid. Everyone is right in their beliefs and definitions of success.

However, you need to realize that John Donne wasn’t wrong when he said that “no man is an island.” The metaphor is full of truth, as it’s evident that no man can exist alone.

Many quotes relate to working together or being part of a community or cohort. In addition, joining forces is practical and has been part of human nature forever.

We’re all working together; that's the secret. — Sam Walton.

Human beings are social beings. It’s part of us, and we can’t do anything about it. Such a norm is abnormal. It is an outlier. If one goes against it, it creates friction and resistance in society.

So, we need to belong to survive. We need each other to stay healthy in body and mind.

Also, remember that a community can be a traditional or a modern online version. This technology enables unified collaboration across distances, creating a global village.

Why You Should Be Part of a Cohort

Being part of a cohort is essential to survival in the created sense of a society. We have shaped society to aid our survival, and given our commonalities, it takes many forms.

Cohorts offer many benefits. You should join one.

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.Henry Ford

A cohort is an asset pool that should benefit everyone in a community in different ways.

You should benefit from your interactions with others. This is important, especially with those who share your $10K/month goal.

You should also gain firsthand experience with different skills and ideas. Learn from various mentors and mentor others. This will create a mutually beneficial cycle.

Being part of a cohort cuts down the room for learning. This makes one efficient and practical. You learn faster and reach your goals and targets in a shorter time.

Also, you will make mistakes in your projects. Nearby peers help you identify and fix mistakes promptly. This is because you’ll ask for advice on the right solutions to the errors that will likely occur while at it.

The result? Pure growth and scaling of businesses (hitting the $10K/month mark faster).

James Cash Penney quotes;

“Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.”

Writers need a community to sharpen their skills and learn from each other. This works better if you belong to a writing community that shares your genre.

The Sense of Belonging

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

A community or cohort creates a sense of belonging, which we all need and take pride in. This allows us to form meaningful relationships, such as friendships or partnerships.

“Companies are communities. There’s a spirit of working together. Communities are not places where a few people allow themselves to be singled out as solely responsible for success.” — Henry Mintzberg

Most of us consider a sense of belonging a need, and we end up having it as a want and a need. We realize that we need to belong to be successful. That doesn’t negate that one can succeed as a solopreneur. But sharing that success makes a sense of belonging a necessity.

In my case, I used to ride solo for a long time without realizing how quickly I slowed down (I still need to hit the $10k/month). I used to get burnt out occasionally, which wasn’t productive in the long run. I couldn’t work it out all by myself.

However, after realizing the need to share notes with other writers, I felt a sense of an eased burden. I needed to belong. It was both efficient and effective. I longed to put in work, day after day, compared to the previous burnout feeling that gave me a sense of giving up.

Everything played out, and I will hit the $10k/month sooner. I regret that I learned about the idea of a community or cohort and its positive impact a little late. All in all, I’m glad that I’m aware of it, and it has been significant in my business and life in general.

Teamwork is so important that it is virtually impossible for you to reach the heights of your capabilities or make the money that you want without becoming very good at it.Brian Tracy

The recent growth of paid communities shows a need for belonging. This is seen in online communities. People with commonalities become a cohort, especially with a mentor who can impact their lives and businesses, after paying a small fee.

Final Thoughts

It’s clear why you should join a community: it benefits everyone and helps scale your business to $10K a month.

You cannot survive on your own, as much as it’s not impossible. However, a community would be best for your sanity. Guaranteeing challenges time after time.

It doesn’t matter what and how you become part of a cohort, but be a part of one. You won’t regret such a decision; you’ll wonder what took so long to belong to one.

We talk a lot about hope, helping and teamwork. Our whole message is that we are more powerful together.Victoria Osteen

A sense of belonging becomes part of your human needs. It doesn’t matter if you earn or pay for it. But you must join a community to taste that $10K/month payday.

Thanks for reading.

Let’s further the communication in the comments.

Let me know your insights on this piece.

P.S. Let me know how I can be of help.

Ciao, ciao!



George Kathele
New Writers Welcome

Aspiring Writer + Minimalist + Solitaire + Imperfect. I write on how to capture readers’ attention. “You have seconds to grab it and minutes to keep it.”