The Power of Persistence

Giving up is not an option for you or for me

Cea West
New Writers Welcome
2 min readJan 12, 2023


Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

After so many noes, today I realised
Even the successful people were once where I am
The common trait is they never gave up
They fell, got up, and tried again, and again

So today I say thank you to the noes
Even though it hurts, they’ve taught me to be strong
I say yes to me, yes to falling, learning, applying, and getting up
I know that success is possible, if I keep moving forward

The signs are all around me, which assures me
Miracles are possible if I just keep trying
Podcasts and mentors, who share their stories
Of perseverance and determination

I’ll wake up and show up, as many times as it takes
I’ll take risks, and make mistakes
I’ll keep climbing, till I reach my summit
For I know that anything is possible, if I keep pushing forward

With each step, I’ll become more resilient
With each stumble, I’ll grow stronger
For I know that success is not final
But the determination to keep going is

I’ll never give up on my dreams
For they’re what fuels my fire and my beams
I’ll chase them relentlessly, till they come true
For giving up is not an option, not for me and not for you



Cea West
New Writers Welcome

Hello I am Cea, I love to use words to inspire and empower. From thought-provoking poetry to self-improvement articles, Follow for inspiration and motivation.