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New Writers Welcome


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Hey there fellow Medium writers!

I might be new to this platform, but I’m definitely not clueless.

I’ve picked up a few things since I’ve been a member on Medium and I’d like too share what I’ve learnt so far.

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The True Purpose of Medium

Yes, Medium is a fantastic community for writing, creative expression, style, diversity and opportunity.

There’s a little of something for everyone — by everyone.

Medium isn’t just a platform for writing and publishing, yet many people, despite being here for so long — hasn’t pick that up yet.

Medium’s true power lies in fostering genuine connections and interactions among its members — and that’s how you succeed.

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Understanding the Medium Ecosystem

Medium is a sweet cycle of reciprocity that allows your work to find its audience and be seen by people who actually appreciates it.

And with some elbow-grease, consistency and genuine efforts, its also a great start to potentially breaking you out of the ‘broke writer’s club.’

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Emphasis on Cycle

I place great emphasis on the term ‘cycle of reciprocity’ above. Why?

Because, that’s the part that flies over the heads of many Medium members. In a cycle, what goes around comes back a round.

You know what’s great about the Medium algorithm? You could be the Gen Z Shakespeare and get absolutely nowhere!

Just spitting out content everyday — no matter how great it is — without contributing to your community, without supporting other writers, without joining publications and contributing to others there— you’ll always be fighting an uphill battle.

Selfish energy has no space here!

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But Why Listen to Me Right?

I know many people will ask, “Why should I take the advice of a novice?” From someone who currently has less than 100 followers and hasn’t made it to 500 claps on any of their pieces yet…

Well. Valid question.

Again, yes I am relatively new here and I don’t have screenshots of soaring Medium reads and F U money coming in yet to give you the YouTubey click bait proof we all like to see…

But I have something that a lot of people seem to be missing, insight!

…so new writers, like myself — struggling writers — damn I hope the algorithm does it’s thing and this finds you…

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The Insight…

Before being a writer, I am an entrepreneur.

I spend a lot of time trying to figure out how I can solve the problems of other people. And the best way to do that is to…drumroll please…LISTEN.

When you talk, you are only repeating what you know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.

Being an 8th grader at the time, I thought my Geography teacher was a wise guy for dropping this gold on us — and yes I recognized that this was his smart alec way of telling us to shut up, nonetheless, it was wise.

I might not be able to calculate the actual distance from one place to another by using the map — as he was trying to teach us for the entire semester — but this stuck with me.

And I now know that this quote is actually credited to the Dalai Lama, just in case you were wondering.

This quote rings especially true on Medium too.

Actively engaging with the platform by reading, absorbing, and appreciating the work of others — attentively listening to the other members gains insights, inspiration, and valuable connections that allows you to grow as a writer and exponentially builds your platform.

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Meaningful Interactions Over Vanity Metrics

While stats like follower counts and claps hold significance, they pale in comparison to genuine engagement.

So no! You can’t just open the articles and leave the tab open.

Comb through the content and spent the time to appreciate the words and their value. The author likely spent hours crafting and editing, you’re a writer too, you know what that’s like — Be respectful.

It’s a shame we have to be opening valuable pieces with pleading statements like “please stay for at least 30 seconds,” or “don’t kill writer’s ratio.”

We can’t expect to go through life by hoping people will support us and we won’t do the same.

It’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of popularity, but true success on Medium stems from authentic interactions.

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Respectful Consumption of Content

Every article on Medium is a labor of love, crafted with care and dedication.

Respect the effort invested by fellow writers by dedicating time to engage thoughtfully with their work.

Whether it’s through reading, clapping, or leaving insightful comments, every interaction contributes to the vibrant ecosystem of Medium.

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Building Community Through Support

Supporting others is the cornerstone of community building on Medium.

By offering genuine feedback, encouragement, and appreciation, we not only uplift fellow writers but also foster a culture of reciprocity and mutual growth.


A rising tide lifts all boats.

~John F. Kennedy

By supporting others, we elevate the entire community.

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Success on Medium

Success on Medium isn’t solely measured by metrics but by the depth of connections forged within its community.

By actively engaging, listening, and supporting fellow writers, we not only enrich our own experience but also contribute to the collective growth of Medium as a platform.

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While that little yellow icon with the heart symbolizes the title of a ‘Friend of Medium’ and not a typical member, which means their monetary read value is 4x more than the others…

They too can give 50 empty claps without spending 10 seconds on your article, which —

“kills writers’ ratio.”

So if you’re truly trying to get more reads, grow your profile, and ultimately your profit, take my foolish advice: foster genuine connections because…

Four genuine members of your community are more valuable than one non-genuine ‘Friend’.

And those are the REAL friends of Medium.


Thank you for sticking around until the end! If you found this piece insightful and think it could benefit you or other Medium writers, and you want to show your support, consider treating this Jamaican girlie to a pineapple!🍍

Don’t be shy to give it a few claps too.👏👏 This also helps supporting me by letting Medium know that my story is worth recommending to others!

Your support means the world to me, Thanks for being awesome!



New Writers Welcome

We love the finer things in life. We cherish our skin, health, wellbeing, mindset, and our homes. Embracing growth inside and out✨ Let's connect!🫂