The Sacred

A Word to Reshape Your Experience of Life


A boy seeing the world through the lens of the sacred, represented by a beam of light. He’s surrounded by nature and animals. The texture of the picture is really soft representing the peacefulness of the sacred
Seeing Through the Lens of the Sacred — Image by GPT

What is the sacred? What does it truly mean? Why does it matter?

When we hear the word “sacred,” many of us immediately think of religion. This is understandable, as the term is often associated with religious rituals, places of worship, and objects of veneration. According to Merriam-Webster, “sacred” is defined as something

“dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deity”

“worthy of religious veneration”

However, it also defines sacred as something

“entitled to reverence and respect”

This word indeed carries a meaning that extends far beyond religious contexts. Sacredness embodies a profound respect & admiration for life itself, whether or not you hold religious beliefs.

This word carries a profound power. It is so deep that it can entirely transform our experience of life. Let’s give it a try.

Consider this: think of someone, anyone, and tell yourself, “That person is sacred.” How does that feel? How does this change your perspective on that person? You may find yourself feeling a deeper sense of respect, compassion, & connection. You might feel more inclined to treat them with kindness & care.

Now, imagine telling yourself that the place you are in right now, no matter its size, beauty, or comfort, is sacred. Do you feel a sense of gratitude? Awe? Admiration? How does this shift your experience of being in that place?

What if we took it a step further? What if everything within and around us is considered sacred? How would this change our lives?

You don’t need to believe in a deity to recognize sacredness. It’s about believing in the sacredness of life itself. By adopting this perspective on life, or seeing life through the lens of the Sacred, we can transform our experience of life and how we interact with the world around us.

Even though I do not believe in God, I have experienced firsthand how this shift in perspective has changed my life. It has influenced how I treat myself, how I treat others, and how I approach life in general.

By recognizing the sacredness in ourselves, others, and the world, we can cultivate a more compassionate, respectful, and fulfilling way of living. This mindset can help us see the extraordinary in the ordinary, fostering a sense of reverence and respect that transcends religious boundaries.

So, let’s embrace the sacredness of life and let it guide us toward a more meaningful and connected existence.

Thank you for joining me on this journey for a New Humanity 🙏

I invite you to share this article online and to take some time today to reconnect with the Sacred. Intentionally show generosity, love, and care to people around you 💛

To continue this journey with me, I invite you to read my first book: a short story about love, courage & forgiveness 👇

and my first speech 👇

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Paul • Founder of a Home for Humanity 🌎
New Writers Welcome

Global Citizen | Third Culture Kid | Community Builder 🤝 Building Bridges Across Cultures 🕊️ Promoting World Peace