The Simple Idea I’ve Used To Grow To 17,628 Followers
The secret to growth that most writers ignore
Last week, I shared something that struck a nerve.
The response was overwhelming.
But this reply from Axel caught my attention. And it got me thinking.
Most writers haven’t gained 13,000 followers in 2024. And most don’t earn $3500/month writing 2 hours/day.
But I’m nothing special. I started January 2023 with zero experience. I’m 51 with a normal job.
So to back Axel’s question — is there a secret?
My first mistake
When I started writing I grabbed all the knowledge I could. I bookmarked 100’s of articles. My inbox was bursting with email courses. And my laptop definitely felt heavier from all the ebooks I’d downloaded.
But I still struggled to get readers.