Mind Working Mechanism

Suraj Labh
New Writers Welcome
4 min readDec 31, 2021


Photo by h heyerlein on Unsplash

Do you know how powerful our mind is? Have you ever felt the miraculous power of your mind? If you have not, then you probably will after reading this article.

We all have only one mind but that possesses two distinct and characteristic functional parts. Many names have been used to distinguish the two functions of the mind. These include the subjective and objective mind, conscious and subconscious mind, waking and sleeping mind, voluntary and involuntary mind, and many others. But whatever it is we need to understand that our whole physical, as well as emotional body, is controlled by our mind, and our physical and emotional body are both associated with each other as the controller of both is single i.e. mind. Here you might be thinking, what do I mean by the emotional body? So let me make you clear that the emotional body means self-created images with thoughts and emotions.

Photo by Ahmad Odeh on Unsplash

Now, if I tell you that our mind executes what our emotional body wants through our physical body, then will you accept? There might be some kind of doubt in your mind like, how can this happen? but let me give you an example manifesting that above statement. For example: whenever you are sad and emotionally broke your emotional body is willing to cry due to which your mind addresses it to your physical body and your tears start falling physically. Similarly, when you are so happy, your emotional body gets satisfied and forces your physical body to express it either it might be through a smile or a sense of gratitude.

So till now, you might have guessed what I am trying to tell, if not then too keep reading till the end then you will surely understand the gist fact.

So what I am trying to tell is that our physical body performs the action directed by our emotional body. That means whatever you believe or whatever you are creating in your dreams, imagination, or thoughts, you can surely achieve it in reality. Once the emotional body accepts the idea, it begins to execute it. It is an astonishing and subtle truth that the emotional body works for good and bad ideas alike. That is the supernatural power of our mind which executes the emotional body’s action. You don’t need to acquire this power. You already possess it. But you will have to learn how to use it.

Whatever your emotional body wants your physical body does

Once an old man in western Australia suffered from tuberculosis. His lungs were badly diseased. So his son decided to help his father heal himself. He went to his father’s room and told him he had recently met a wandering monk with strange powers. This monk had just returned from a long stay at one of the most celebrated healing shrines in Europe. There he had acquired a small fragment of the True Cross, set in a ring that dated back to the middle ages. Over the centuries, countless sufferers had been healed after touching the ring or the fragment of the cross. When the son had heard this he told the monk about his father’s illness and begged to borrow the ring. The monk had agreed. The son then gave a monk a free-will offering of the equivalent $200.

When the son showed his father a ring, the older man practically snatched it from him. He clasped the ring to his chest, prayed silently, and went to sleep. In the morning he was healed. All the clinic’s tests proved negative.

What is most significant about this one is that the son’s amazing story was totally made up. In fact, he had picked up a splinter of ordinary wood from the sidewalk, taken it to a jeweler, and had it set in a gold ring of antique design. He then gave it to his father.

You know, of course, it was not the splinter of wood from the sidewalk that healed the father. It was his imagination aroused to an intense degree and confidence of healing created inside his emotional body which was executed by his mind and accepted by his physical body, which led to a complete cure.

Thus I want to remind you that you are the captain of your soul ( emotional body) and the master of your fate. Whatever your emotional body assumes and believes to be true, your mind will accept and your physical body will perform. Never say “I can’t .” Overcome that fear by substituting the following: “ I can do all things through the supernatural power of my mind and emotional body.”


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Suraj Labh
New Writers Welcome

Motivational writer ,Creator and owner at |@motivationalquotesandquestions at Facebook and Instagram | @motivational_sayins at tiktok|