The Viking Way: 10 Practical Lessons for Modern Warriors

The Viking culture offers practical life lessons on traits such as courage, honor, and loyalty.

Arnold Lynx
New Writers Welcome
3 min readDec 12, 2022


Photo by Gioele Fazzeri on Unsplash

The Viking culture, which originated in Scandinavia and spread to other parts of Europe, was heavily influenced by a set of moral codes known as the Norse life rules. These rules were designed to guide the behavior of individuals and communities and were based on the Norse belief in the gods and goddesses of their pantheon. Here are 10 Norse life rules that were important to the culture, you can find more on our youtube video as well:

  1. Courage: The Norse believed that bravery was the most important virtue. Courage was seen as the foundation of all other virtues, and individuals who were brave were highly respected in Norse society.
  2. Honor: The Norse placed great importance on maintaining a reputation for honor and integrity. This meant that individuals were expected to keep their word, fulfill their promises, and avoid doing anything that would bring shame or dishonor upon themselves or their families.
  3. Hospitality: The Norse were known for their hospitality, and individuals were expected to be gracious hosts to travelers and guests. This meant providing food, drink, and shelter to those who needed it and treating visitors with respect and kindness.
  4. Industriousness: The Norse valued hard work and believed that individuals should be productive members of society. This meant that individuals were expected to contribute to their communities through their labor, whether it was through farming, fishing, or other forms of work.
  5. Loyalty: The Norse valued loyalty to one’s friends, family, and community. This meant standing by those who were close to you and being willing to defend them and support them in times of need.
Photo by Carla Santiago on Unsplash

6. Perseverance: The Norse believed that individuals should never give up, no matter how difficult the challenges they faced. Perseverance was seen as a key virtue, and individuals who were able to overcome adversity were highly respected.

7. Self-reliance: The Norse valued self-reliance and believed that individuals should be able to take care of themselves and their families. This meant being able to provide for one’s own needs and being able to defend oneself and one’s loved ones if necessary.

8. Truthfulness: The Norse placed great importance on honesty and truthfulness. This meant being truthful in all interactions and avoiding deception or lies.

9. Wisdom: The Norse valued wisdom and believed that individuals should seek knowledge and understanding in order to make good decisions. This meant being open-minded and curious and being willing to learn from others.

10. Justice: The Norse believed in the importance of justice and fairness. This meant that individuals were expected to treat others with respect and fairness and to avoid taking advantage of others or engaging in unfair practices.

Photo by Steinar Engeland on Unsplash

Overall, the Norse life rules were a set of moral codes that guided the behavior of the Viking culture. These rules were based on the cultural values and beliefs of Norse society and were intended to help individuals live their lives in a way that was honorable and just. The Norse life rules were an important part of the Norse way of life and were passed down through the generations to help maintain the strong and proud culture of the Viking people. And anyone of you can benefit from implementing these rules into your lifestyle.

“The Viking way of life was one of adventure, exploration, and conquest. They were not afraid to take risks and face challenges, and they were always seeking new lands and new opportunities.” — Unknown

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Arnold Lynx
New Writers Welcome

On the road to my first 1000 followers. Writer on a hobbyist level. If I tried I could be the next William Shakespeare.