The Waiting

War, the ugly path

Adedolapo Sobaloju
New Writers Welcome
2 min readJul 5, 2024


Photo by British Library on Unsplash

In 1967, a civil war erupted in Nigeria, sparked by deep-seated segregation. The conflict pitted the country against a prominent tribe.

Christian was working in a bank in Lagos, but due to the war, he resigned and fled to his hometown with his family. Their village was in chaos, with dead bodies appearing every day. Hunger struck harder than bombs and guns.

Soldiers harassed the weak, mocking them with threats. “Tell your leader to give up, or we will kill more.”

“The children haven’t eaten for days; they’re frail. We have money, but we can’t buy anything because the soldiers cut off our food supply. What should we do?” lamented Alice, Christian’s wife, her voice trembling with fear and desperation.

Christian’s heart ached as he looked at his frail kids. He struggled to find food for his family, hoping the war would soon end. When the peace treaty failed, an announcement on the radio declared that the war would continue.

In 1968, amidst the Civil War, Christian decided to escape with his family in the dead of night. He knew staying longer in the village meant certain death. They passed through the forest, where dead bodies littered the ground, the air stank of blood, guns and bomb. Vultures hovered in the sky after having a filled meal. It was a horrifying sight, but they kept moving.

They hid during the day, their breaths shallow and quiet, and continued their journey at night, despite having no clear destination. Wild fruits and bush meats satisfied their hunger.

One night, as they were about to leave their hiding place, a deafening sound stopped them in their tracks. The forest was ablaze. Heavy footsteps reverberated around them. Christian and his family ran as fast as they could, the sounds of their pursuers close behind.

Christian knew they would be caught if he didn’t act quickly. He told his family to run and hide deeper in the forest. Though reluctant to leave him, Alice’s voice trembled with fear. “No! Let’s stick together. I can’t leave you. What if they capture you? I can’t live without you.”

He assured them he would find them. Christian then distracted the soldiers, leading them in another direction. The soldiers followed him.

Alice dropped pieces of clothing for her husband to trace their path and waited for him, but he never came. Afraid to leave their hiding place, Alice and the family died, waiting for Christian.


This is purely fiction. The characters, name and event are fictitious.

In history, the civil war in Nigeria, started in 1967 and ended in 1970. The only true event.

