The Warmth of a Mother’s Heart

Feeling the Love that Only a Mom Can Provide

Lawrence Clinton - The LCP Book
New Writers Welcome
1 min readFeb 13, 2023


Mothers Love
Photo by Daniil Silantev on Unsplash

A mother’s love is like a warm embrace,

So gentle and so strong, a guiding grace.

She feeds us with her love, and like the moon,

She watches over us, from night till noon.


She cradles us in her arms, with tears of joy,

The first time she held us, when we were just a baby boy.

Her love is like a river, deep and wide,

Flowing from her heart to the depths inside.


And as we grow, and take our first steps in life,

She is always there, through every joy and every strife.

Her love is like the sunshine, bright and warm,

Guiding us through life, and keeping us from harm.


So here’s to mothers, and the love they give,

A love so pure, and a bond we’ll always live.

For they are the ones who make us who we are,

With a love so strong, shining like a bright North Star.


~~~with love ❤️ Lawrence Clinton



Lawrence Clinton - The LCP Book
New Writers Welcome

I'd love to travel and explore new places, and also I'm very much fond of Cats and Dogs. I love bike riding and playing badminton. Cheers!!!