The Web 3.0 Writing Platform of the Future

How Sigle is pioneering decentralized publishing, NFT access, and Bitcoin monetization for online writers

Trying Not to Suck at Life
New Writers Welcome


Image by peshkova

I’ve seen the writing platform of the future and I can’t unsee it.

It began with a casual Google search for a Web 3.0 blogging site and led to two consecutive nights of reading every word on one company’s landing page and binge-watching YouTube interviews of the founders.

Sigle, created by Léo Pradel (CEO), Quentin Saubadu (CDO), and Artūrs Kirtovskis (CTO), is a blogging platform that looks like a Medium or Substack but is fundamentally different in several ways.

First and foremost, it’s decentralized. Meaning your published posts are recorded on a blockchain. That doesn’t mean you can’t edit or unpublish posts, but you cannot delete the record of them.

Next is monetization, which will enable all users, even those who use the free plan, to earn money from readers who subscribe to them (like on Substack) and from content views from paying members (like on Medium).

Writers will earn the Bitcoin yield of readers who “stake” Stacks (STX) with the latter. Bit of a tongue twister, I know.



Trying Not to Suck at Life
New Writers Welcome

40-year-old dad on a mission to get rich in health, money, and time. Here to share my data, habits, and tools to help you get there faster.