Member-only story

The Woman That I Love

She looks better than this picture shows!

Dr. E.R. Báez
New Writers Welcome


Photo by someone using AI

My wife and I will celebrate twenty-two years of marriage in precisely fifteen days!

If you do the math—twenty-two times, however many events—that is a lot of gifts (Anniversaries, Birthdays, Mother's Day, Christmas, Valentine's Day)—you get the picture!

As you can imagine, I am running out of options for a gift for her, so I decided to write about her instead. I have given her everything (cars, jewelry, houses, vacations), but I have never shared her full story with the world!

For starters, she is a part-time writer here on Medium:

I took that picture without the assistance of AI, so she looks better in it than in the fake picture above.

My wife is the most astonishing individual I know.

Point proven!

Not so fast…I have to give you empirical evidence…don’t I? Or else, you would argue that I am biased. Well, that is my last name…BAEZ!



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