The word ‘sorry’ was your easy escape tool. And you kept forcing me to accept it.

Until one day, I didn’t.

Human Hobbes
New Writers Welcome
2 min readAug 9, 2022



When you were in the wrong, you just said sorry.
When you hurt me deeply, you just said sorry.
When you caused/triggered my trauma, you just said sorry.
When you ran out of excuses, you just said sorry.

Never once meaning it.
Never once knowing the true essence of it.

The word ‘sorry’ — it was your quick getaway. Such an easy escape.

Your modus operandi:

First, YOU, not-so-grown-up-yet-adult, pretended to be innocent,
Then, when I reminded you of your misdeeds, you feigned ignorance.
You called me “too touchy” and “too sensitive”,
Snarkily slid the blame on me, never took your own accountability.

I don’t like your weird twisted game,
Will you ever learn to not body-shame?
Or are you always gonna find someone else to blame,
Because you inanely still choose to be the same.

I’m sick of you, and your full-on drama,
I hope you get hit soon with karma.

You say shit behind people’s back,
An iota of empathy is what you lack.

I’ve heard you laugh at and ridicule your own sisters,
I should thank the stars, that I escaped your tricks by a whisker.

Never falling again into your sugar-coated trap,
All I’ll do now is merely slow clap.

I regret that I once loved you with all my heart,
But now, you and I, our ways indefinitely part.



Human Hobbes
New Writers Welcome

Wander and wonder. I write to soothe, myself and you.