The Worst Job Interview of My Life (And Why You Should Not Join Such Companies)

Consider these as red flags to watch out for in a potential employer

Ramya Arora
New Writers Welcome
3 min readMay 8, 2023


Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

I had just qualified as a Chartered Accountant and was super excited because I had landed an interview with this great company.

I wish I knew it would be one of my worst days in about a decade-long corporate career.

Honestly, I didn’t even care if I would get the job because I had already rejected the employer in my head after the interview.

Employers resort to weird interview tactics to filter out a candidate leaving the candidate feeling disrespected.

Many write-ups tell people how to ace an interview — tips to impress employers, what not to say, what to wear, etc.

But you, as a candidate, also need resources to decide whether the company, its culture, and its leadership are worth your time and services.

So, it was high time I listed down the red flags I noticed during the worst job interview of my life.

I Was Made to Wait for Hours

Do we need to test the candidate’s patience or desperation for the job this way?

Everybody’s time needs to be respected.

I had travelled 2 hours to make it on time for the interview only to realise that I would be made to wait another 2 hours before being called in.

And guess what the receptionist told me? I was the ONLY candidate lined up for the day.

If I were an employer, I would be happier to hire a candidate who walked out because they had to wait too long. I would know that they valued time, and that’s a priceless trait.

If they didn’t respect your time during an interview, they never will when you are an employee.

Someone Kept Calling Me During the Interview

While my cell phone was on silent mode throughout the interview, it continuously vibrated in my pocket.

In the middle of the interview, I noticed that one of the interviewers was constantly dialling on his phone but had yet to speak to anybody.

After the interview, I was shocked to learn that that number belonged to the above interviewer.

So, his only job on the panel was to keep calling me.

Really??? All this because they were curious if I would get distracted or pick up the call.

An employer-employee relationship is based on trust. And this strange, funny tactic revealed that this employer had trust issues.

Such employers will always be very snoopy because they will constantly have this itch to check if all you are doing is working.

Now who would like that?

The Interviewers Were Distracted

Their body language was like they’d just had lunch and were ready to sleep.

From being on the phone to sending off completely disengaged energy. They did it all.

I wasn’t even sure if they were listening to what I was saying.

There was simply no attempt to establish a connection of any sort.

I get it; you are in a position of power. But just because I am here to be a part of your organisation does not entitle you to make me feel like a nobody.

Their inability to communicate effectively and poor listening abilities demonstrated inadequate emotional intelligence.

If the leaders were not interested in you during an interview, what makes you think they will be after you’re hired?

Steer away from such employers.

To Summarise

An interview should be more than just an activity where the employer determines whether a candidate is suitable for the job.

It’s a two-way process where the candidate is equally interested in evaluating whether the company is a right fit for them.

A candidate must be alert to notice any red flags and ask all the right questions not just to impress the employer but to form an accurate opinion.

I am waiting for the day when the interviewer will be as nervous as the interviewee before the interview😉

Let me know in the comments if you’ve experienced some signs during an interview that saved you from a toxic workplace.



Ramya Arora
New Writers Welcome

Through my writing, I aim to do one or more of the following for you (1) Pass on what I've learned from life so far, (2) Get you thinking, (3) Make you smile.