They Say New Yorkers are Rude and Despicable

Well, I challenge you to find friendlier, more genuine people elsewhere

Candace C
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Vernon Raineil Cenzon on Unsplash

New Yorkers get a bad rap.

If you talk to people from the South, they think we are all hedonistic, we hate each other, and we live in a gangster's paradise.

And the truth is that all of that can be true for some people in New York. But, let’s be fair, generalizations are never always true.

I am going to tell you some of my personal experiences in New York.

But before I do, here is my background.

I am not a native-born New Yorker, so I am not biased by birthplace. I moved to New York in 2007. I lived on Long Island for two years, then in Brooklyn for nine years, and then back on Long Island for five years. During that time, I commuted by subway to Manhattan for three years.

The experiences I write about are experiences that took place in Brooklyn and Manhattan.

The People

I remember visiting Houston, TX, when my darling daughter was four months old. One Sunday morning, I visited a 1000-member church filled with people who were very well off.



Candace C
New Writers Welcome

A God follower, a wife, a mom, a visionary, a #homeschool mother, a friend. I write about whatever bothers me at the moment @janadoeshomeschool on Instagram