Suraj Labh
New Writers Welcome
3 min readJan 8, 2022


Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Time is the most crucial thing which once wasted can never get back again. Life goes faster than we think. And we never know what tomorrow offers. So we must live in present. Here are some of the things which I wish I had heard a year ago :

  1. ) Grades will not be remembered

Our education system is based on pushing students to show good results in exams rather than enhancing their skills. And I am also grown up inside the same education system. But now I am slowly and gradually understanding the various aspects of life. And I don’t think grades are even necessary to achieve success in life but surely skills and knowledge play a vital role in achieving success. Grades won’t even be remembered and don’t even matter but all that matters is knowledge and skill to achieve something in life.

Photo by Ben Mullins on Unsplash

2.) Hard work does pay off

I was quite lazy guy before some years and I used to think everything will work at pace automatically but now I am realizing that we should work hard for turning our dreams into reality. Nothing in life can be achieved if we just think of it instead of working for it. So yeah now I am working on my dreams to turn it into reality and I have come so far too.

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

3.) Life is lonely road

We all are grown up in a family or under the care of some people and so do I. But what we forget is that we cannot spend our whole life under the care of our loving ones. We should learn to survive alone independently and by saying that I don’t mean that we should not care about our loving ones. We should take care of our loving ones to the extent possible. But keeping in mind that everything is temporary and our life is our own responsibility we should move on the way of life.

Photo by Chetan Kumar on Unsplash

4.)Not taking risks is the biggest risk

We all like to live in our comfort zone and want everything on our hands comfortably without working for it, isn’t it? And surely we all fear of risk associated with our dreams too. But let me tell you that your comfort zone will turn your dreams into dust. Unless and until we didn’t leave our comfort zone, we can only dream but not get it in reality. But when we get up, leave our comfort zone, and start working on our dreams then gradually we start getting our results which pushes and motivate us more to do.

Photo by Sammie Chaffin on Unsplash

So yeah these are some of the things that I had experienced till now and wanted to convey to all teenagers to understand it on time and start executing it. And I also want to request you all to place your own experience by mentioning me so that i could know even more things. You can follow my motivational page on Facebook too if you want. Here is the link for it 👇
And last but not least you can support me if you want buy



Suraj Labh
New Writers Welcome

Motivational writer ,Creator and owner at |@motivationalquotesandquestions at Facebook and Instagram | @motivational_sayins at tiktok|