This Is My Doomsday!

Day one of my life with a foot cast

Clarisse Cornejo
New Writers Welcome
3 min readDec 12, 2021


Birthday Cake [Resort Country Club]

Okay, maybe I am overreacting — just a bit :)

But let me put you into context. My birthday is next week, and finally, I was going to travel abroad. As compensation for an exhausting year of pandemic, my family and I had spent over six months planning, researching, and booking an adventurous two-week trip to Mexico.

We would dive in the coral reef in Cancun, swim on the beach of Islas Mujeres, and go for a walk in Chapultepec Park constructed by the Aztecs in the capital, Mexico City.

Anyone can see that all these activities require being physically able to run, swim, jump, climb, etc. This was the dream; Mexico awaited us.

Until something shut everything down altogether.

Mexico City [National Geographic]

I broke my ankle while exercising.

At first, it seemed like nothing too serious. Throughout my childhood, I had fallen several times from running, climbing, playing basketball, or even for just walking — and I mean, LOTS OF TIMES. I didn’t think that going to the hospital was necessary. “Put on some ice, rest, and you’ll be fine” is what I said to myself because that was the routine. I couldn’t be more wrong.

Hours past and the injury began to swell. It had turned purple, and I couldn’t stand on my two feet. The pain was insufferable. I started to get pretty concerned, so — as I wasn’t able to walk — I called my parents. We went straight to the hospital nearby. We were attended to right away, and the doctor ordered x-rays. The diagnosis? “You have fractured your ankle,” he said.

After that, they put me in a foot cast. The plaster employed reminded me of the material we used for art projects which helped me to get my mind away for a while. For the ones who have had a cast, you know what it’s like.

Casts take their final shape in a 24 hour period. You have to keep your foot up and take pills for the swelling or pain. By the way, it is very itchy — and for taking a shower you have to put on a plastic bag so that it does not shatter.

It was over. I have to be like this for one month and a half. This is day one.

My Foot Cast [The stickers are from the editor of the camera, the cast is still solidifying]

As you can expect, the travel got canceled. People have told me to think of it as another adventure. Therefore, once each week, I’ll be posting what it is like to adjust your life due to an injury and some tips in case anyone here has also a foot cast. It’ll be like learning together through this journey.

  • Bad side: I can’t go to Mexico, and canceling the flight, as well as the reservations, is too time-consuming. Not to mention how much it has cost.
  • Good side: I am on vacation, so I’ll have plenty of time to spend with my family and friends — plus, I’ll write more.

I have no idea what it’s going to be like but one day at a time.

The first task: how do you walk with crutches? Is it to put them in front of you and then jump in one foot…? Or is it all at once…? Let me know.

