This is the Biggest Mistake I Have Committed in My Writing Career

Avoid this mistake for a better writing experience

Adnan Aqeel
New Writers Welcome
4 min readFeb 9, 2023


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

This is no secret.

It’s pretty obvious.

Anyone can write.

What’s harder, though, is writing engaging content that clicks and taps into the emotions of the reader.


… how do you create engaging content?

Good question.

By writing… A LOT.


Yes, there is no other way you can develop this skill of writing better. When you write a lot, you not only develop your writing muscle but also get new ideas to get your point across effectively.

The biggest mistake I have committed in my writing career is that I didn’t develop a habit of writing daily. I would only do the client’s work and get away with it.

Sure, you cannot overlook the deadlines since you have got to pay bills and fulfill your basic needs. But this is not enough. Nope.

If you’re a writer, then paraphrasing a few pieces won’t make you a writer. When we only do client work, we forget the opportunities to write new — and better! — stories. Stories that happen to us every single day. Stories that help you connect with the audience.

I have learned this the hard way. Before joining Medium, I used to share posts only on Linkedin and consider it a job well done. Sharing content on Linkedin did help me become a better writer, no doubt. But that platform is not well suited for long-form content. The opportunity Medium gives you to share your thoughts like a story is unparalleled.

It’s been one month on this platform and, wouldn’t you know, I have witnessed some amazing work shared by experienced writers. I’m still in a learning phase with the hope to further get into the winds and waves of some prolific brains in the writing industry. It’s also because of fellow writers who share content almost daily and push my limits to do better.

I have almost ditched all other social media platforms and right now Medium and Linkedin are my go-to places.

Besides doing client work, I have shared 23 articles on Medium in the past month and I’m already enjoying the ride. This is just the start of my journey on this platform, so I can say it’s a good start, if not the best. Since I have seen some people on this platform sharing 2000 words daily.

Photo by Road Trip with Raj on Unsplash

This is what I’ve observed you have got to dedicate 2 hours, at least, to writing content for yourself.

It’s not that what you write needs to be published anyway.

You can save your work in drafts.

And later you can choose any draft and do careful editing and proofreading and turn it into a piece worth reading.

So, my humble advice is… if you want to “breath life,” into, in the classical sense, your writing career and feel good about it, then you have got to write. Every. Single. Day.

Since, guess what… you’re a writer, remember?

And forget about creating the masterpiece and becoming the next Hemmingway. Since you might have heard that…

… curiosity doesn’t kill the cat, it’s perfection.

When you obsess over your idea and want to create someone exceptional, unique, and original, you get stuck. The good news is that no one’s eagerly waiting for your haiku poetry. Breathe. And contemplate on what is possible since done is better than perfect.

Some people say that it’s quality over quantity. But I beg to differ. Both counts, no doubt. But initially, you should pay more focus to create content in bulks rather than fretting about quality.

When you don’t share content in quantity, how can you tell which type of content is performing better and resonating with your audience?

Practice makes perfect, but not always. It’s deliberate practice with careful attention and informed decision that makes perfect.

So finally my question is… How long have you been sharing content on Medium? Do you write daily?

Thank you for your precious time, friends!

Find me here on Linkedin.

If you’re extremely serious about taking your writing skills to the next level, you can subscribe to my newsletter here.



Adnan Aqeel
New Writers Welcome

certified procrastinator | writer | humorist | engineer | poet | blogger | it's safe to say that im not a monster