This Is The First Thing You Should Do

Create a habit and start doing

Julian Cosky
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Torbjørn Helgesen on Unsplash

As we say goodbye to 2021, it’s time to think about tackling the next 12 months.

Our list of things to do is ever-growing, and sometimes it feels like it never shrinks. But how do you make sure you remember to do what needs to be done?

My number one tip is — Write it down….

Your brain is not designed to remember lots, but to do stuff.

If you don’t already use a to-do list, start a new habit to capture everything you need to do, and reduce the strain on your brain!

There is so much going on in our lives; work, family, pleasure, hobbies, that it’s impossible to keep on top of everything that needs to be done.

I’d be lost without my to-do list.

No, I wouldn’t be lost, I’d just forget to do stuff!

Using a to-do list doesn’t have to be difficult.

You don’t have to use technology.

The trusty pad and pen

Keeping a pad and pen handy for writing down notes is just as good, if not as convenient.

As soon as I know there is a task for me to do, I capture it.



Julian Cosky
New Writers Welcome

Husband. Father. Business Analyst. I’m also a Cub Scout Leader. Writing on Medium allows me to be me!