This is Why I Stopped Being “Interested” in My Goals (& So Should You)

…and here’s what I’m doing instead.

Deepshikha Arora
New Writers Welcome
7 min readSep 21, 2023


Man overwhelmed with too many thoughts.
Photo by Ali Beilankouhi on Unsplash

Are you interested in living your best life—a fulfilling career, perfect health, loving relationships, and personal growth?

Meanwhile, you’re also interested in keeping up with the scoop on canceled politicians, celebrity Photoshop fails, and your co-worker’s personal affairs?

If so, it might be time to examine the smorgasbord of your career aspirations clubbed with your trivial interests.

Why? Because our minds can’t tell between our serious pursuits and random fascinations. They all blend together in the same “interest” basket, making it difficult to achieve our true goals.

This realization struck me last year when I found myself drowning in a sea of nice-to-haves and fun-to-dos, all while my crucial goals languished.

That’s when I chose to transition from being merely interested in my goals to becoming fully committed to them.

Let’s look at how you too can adopt a committed state of mind.

But first…

How on Earth is Commitment Different From Interest?

Commitment vs. Interest table at a glance.
Commitment vs. Interest at a glance. (Table created by author)

Interest is superficial attraction, a fleeting curiosity that captures our attention momentarily. Commitment, on the other hand, is a deep-rooted dedication tied to our life’s purpose and ambitions.

Commitment makes your goals NON-NEGOTIABLE. If there’s room for negotiation, you’re merely interested.

Commitment is like an unbreakable vow to a specific goal, purpose, or path. It’s the choice to pour your time, energy, and sweat into chasing down something meaningful, even when life throws its curveballs or irresistible temptations in your way.

Science Behind Commitment vs. Interest

Instant gratification is as unhealthy as instant noodles.
Oodles of Instant Noodles! (Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash)

Most of the things we’re interested in instantly gratify us — think social media likes, sugary treats, gossip, etc. This instant gratification is closely linked to a dopamine-driven feedback loop within the brain’s reward system.

When we receive immediate rewards, our brains release dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure. This reinforces the behavior, making us seek such rewards more frequently, potentially leading to impulsive and addictive choices. (source)

Understanding this link can help us avoid distractions and consciously prioritize the important stuff.

Being committed is welcoming delayed gratification i.e. choosing to wait for a bigger reward in the future rather than going for a smaller, immediate one.

It involves patience, self-control, and training your brain to acknowledge things you’re committed to versus merely interested in.

Ways to Steer Yourself Into Commitment Mode

Laser focus gaze
Photo by Marten Newhall on Unsplash

In an ideal world, we’d all bid farewell to distractions and ditch our social media feeds. Our focus would be crystal clear, and life would be all unicorns and rainbows.

But you and I both know… it’s not a perfect world.

So, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Spring-clean your mind-space to set a clear boundary between your interests and commitments, and
  2. Prioritize commitments and don’t let passing interests set you back.

Remember, commitments take time to deliver. It’s like a long wait for the next season of your favorite show. But it’s worth it.

Here are some ways to stay dedicated to your commitments:

1. Use SMART Goals (Because Dumb Goals Are So Last Century)

Apply the SMART criteria to your goals — make them Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Don’t be vague like a fortune cookie message. Instead of saying “I want to get fit,” specify “I will exercise at least 30 mins a day for 5 days a week.” Clear goals are like treasure maps; they give you a direct path to follow.

Now, I’ll be candid here. In the beginning, even this may not work — it can be too much pressure to have something uncomfortable to do over a long time.

If you’re in that boat, take it on a day-by-day basis. Ask yourself every day, “Who do I want to be today? The person who sweated it out or the one who chose to snooze?” You’ll discover your answer soon enough!

2. Create a Daily Routine

Most successful people maintain seemingly boring daily routines to stay on track with their goals. Routines eliminate the need to make micro decisions about when or how to work on your goals each day. This reduces decision fatigue and minimizes procrastination. Consistency isn’t just a key; it’s the whole darn door.

3. Chop Goals Into Bite-Sized Chunks

Chop goals into bite-sized chunks.
Photo by Sander Dalhuisen on Unsplash

Think of your goals like a colossal burger. You can’t gobble it all at once; you need to take bites. Divide your big goal into manageable tasks. Want to write a book? Start with one chapter at a time. It’s like making a sandwich — one slice of commitment at a time.

4. Enlist a Sidekick

Even Batman has Robin, and you need your own accountability partner. Share your goals with a trusted friend who can kick your butt when you falter. Regular check-ins and shared progress keep your focus sharp.

Pro tip: Your sidekick can be YOU too. You think you’d sneak into the fridge for that leftover cake after telling your dear diary about your diet? That’d be too embarrassing!

5. Filter Out Nonsense

Identify your most persistent distractions and give them the boot. If your phone sucks you into a time vortex, slap some restrictions on it during your productive hours. Let’s face it,

You don’t need to know who won the dish-soap-eating TikTok challenge right this minute.

6. Master the Art of Saying No (And Thank Me Later)

Commitment often requires the courage to decline distractions and shiny objects. Politely turn down anything that doesn’t align with your goals. Remember, saying no is like flexing your commitment muscles.

7. Monitor Progress Like a Hawk

Hawk like precision to monitor your progress.
Photo by Rahul Viswanath on Unsplash

Keep tabs on your progress with a Sherlock Holmes-y precision. Use journals, apps, or spreadsheets to record your achievements. Watching your progress grow is like a victory dance for your commitment.

8. Celebrate Victories

When you hit a milestone, no matter how small, celebrate like it’s your birthday, Christmas, and winning the lottery rolled into one. Rewards stoke your motivation, and who doesn’t love a good self-high-five?

9. Visualize Success

Set aside a dedicated moment each day to visualize your success. Free your mind from fixating on a specific outcome; instead, focus on the emotions tied to your ideal outcome. For instance,

Don’t obsess over landing a particular job; envision the satisfaction of thriving in a career you adore.

10. Seek Inspiration

Surround yourself with inspiration like a Kardashian with paparazzi. Follow trailblazers in your field, immerse yourself in books that mirror your goals, and become part of communities that share your passions.

11. Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Periodically assess your progress and adjust your moves, as if you’re dancing on a fluid floor. If something’s not clicking, tweak your strategy.

Commitment, like a fine wine, matures with time but occasionally benefits from a little decanting.

Put a Ring on Your Commitment Mode

Commitment is proverbial putting a ring on your goals.
Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

Flirt with interests all you want, but remember, success is like a long-term relationship, not a fling!

When I was interested in good health, each morning, I’d wake up and dive headfirst into a scrolling frenzy of news and trivia. I ended up exhausted within the first waking hour, with little energy left for my workout. On a good day, I’d drag myself half-heartedly to it.

When I learned to make myself committed, I consciously prioritized my goals. My health became non-negotiable.

Remember, your commitment mind is like a trusty bouncer, not letting your interests crash your life’s VIP section. Keep your priorities straight, and don’t let those passing distractions steal your spotlight.

After all, you’re the headliner of your own show!

Deepshikha Arora is a certified content writer, seasoned SEO pro, and lifelong learner. With an extensive background in digital marketing and SaaS, she is adept at crafting content that captures readers’ hearts and catches Google’s attention — read clicks :) She has a track record of driving traffic and audience engagement, and brings a wealth of experience to every word she writes. Get in touch to supercharge your content strategy —



Deepshikha Arora
New Writers Welcome

Freelance content marketer & SEO strategist. Spiritually curious, lifelong leaner and committed to writing. Say hello: